Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/21/2007 Update!

Well, to begin, I have recieved my edits back. I worked really hard, well into the night, to make my changes. I really improved the story. My editor really knows what she's doing! She is now going over those changes and will get back with me over the weekend. It looks like the book will be ready some time in September but I'm not really sure. It depends on how long we edit this book! So please bare with me on this! This is for the book, Stolen Identity, by the way lol.
As for Cursed Blood, it is selling rather well! Libraries in Fort Wayne and Muncie, Indiana have this book on the shelf. I went to the library here in Muncie, the one down town, just to see the book. It was awsome seeing one of my own books on a shelf. I can't even begin to tell you how that felt. It was overwhelming! I hope to get the sequal published as well because I know it's better! I still waiting to hear on that one.
I am also still waiting to hear on another book. It was requested. Then requested again because it had been destroyed in a flood. The publisher did say she enjoyed it and had some questions for me but couldn't remember what those questions were so she requested the same chapters to review and get the questions ready. She said either her or her editor would get back to me. I am so anxious about that. Mysteries of the Peterson Estate is a very special story for me because of the things I had to go through for it. I lost it once. The characters haunted me so I was forced into rewriting it. It had been rejected many times and then one publisher says she's interested and wanted to see a sample of the work. I about cried when I read that! I hope to bring you more news about that soon! Until then, keep checking my website for any news!
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Hello again! I would like to share an update with you. I am in the middle of writing a new steamy novel. This one has romance in it. It is my first attempt at romance so we'll see how that one turns out.

Cursed Blood is doing well. I get a lot of people asking me about it. Some people who have read the book, send me emails to tell me how much they have enjoyed it. A man was the most recent. He lives in the same town as I do and he wants me to sign his book for him. He's been asking me questions and wanting advice. I've been helping him as much as I can with the knowledge that I do have. I'm not an expert on relationships lol even though there are no problems with mine lol. But, I guess since I wrote an erotica, I will be getting emails like that from time to time. It's no big deal because I do enjoy hearing from my fans.

Stolen Identity is still being edited. The first round is complete and a new editor took over. I heard from her this morning. She did a quick read through and now is beginning to edit. I should hear from her next week, she said. Of course, I don't expect her to hurry. I want this book to be as perfect as it can come for all my fans. You are all important to me and I would hate to disappoint any of you. That is why it's taking a while to get this done. Please be patient as I am. That isn't easy for me, by the way lol.

More news.....I also have written some YA stories in which I am trying to find a publisher for. One in paticular was the first piece I ever finished. A publisher has it now, looking it over. It was sent to them by request so we will see how that goes. My imagination is very wild and I can't control how it works so I just give in to it. I will use a different name, Amber Rigby. And it will be found on the same website to make it easier for everyone to find all my work. I would rather be honest about it than hide behind a different name and website. I'm sure some would appreciate that. At least, I hope so anyway lol.

Well, I look forward to meeting any of you. You're welcome to reply or send me an email if you wish. I am always open to a discussion. Thank you!

Amber Rigby Grosjean