Monday, June 24, 2019

Busy, busy......

I have been keeping myself busy working on my book, Peterson Estate 4: The Great War. I'm reaching the end and hit the twist of all twists. I'm so excited. The level of Emily's powers is explained (the reasoning, which took me by surprise--even I didn't know lol). I've tried writing on a plan but it doesn't work for me. I like surprises and learning what's going to happen just as a reader would is so cool. That's what keeps me writing, the suspense of it. I know I'm not the only author who writes in this manner so it's cool. I reached a word count to 47K so I'm getting closer to my goal. Almost there!!!!

On another note, I'm still working on getting the audio ready for Mother of the Dragons. There was an issue with it so the person who is narrating it for ACX had to do a few touch ups. We both want it to be as perfect as it can go. I do know it will be just over 5 hours long. I listened to parts of it and it is so awesome!!!!! I couldn't be more excited about this process. I want to create more audios but will wait to see how this book does first. No, I will not be a one-hit wonder. I plan on reaching out to as many fans as I possibly can. One reader at a time, is all I can do. Of course, if someone shares my work with another reader, that's great!!! I just want to be read! I think all writers do, in one way or another.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Gotta love mail!

It's always exciting to get something in the mail (unless it's a bill, then we'd rather not lol). I had ordered my books to start a new collection and needed the ones I'd written. They came in the mail yesterday and I could hardly wait to open the package. They looked so much better than I had anticipated.

Next time, I won't be waiting so long before ordering my books lol. Of course, I still want to get more copies but this will have to due me for now.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Update for June 2019

The Bloodline duo Cursed Blood and Spawn of the Curse Bloodline Curse books are now available on Amazon which is awesome. When I couldn't republished Cursed Blood, I decided I would rewrite in a different manner. When I originally wrote, I was inside everyone's heads and it was a little confusing. I am a better writer now so I used that knowledge to write a better story. The two covers above are Cursed Blood: Bloodline Curse. The first book to the set. The cover on the left is for the e-book version and the one on the right is for the paperback version.

Right now, I am working on getting the 4th book to the Peterson Estate series finished. It is going rather well. Better, than I expected. If you read any of my books, you know I love twists. I can't have a book without one or two thrown in (in the proper places) and this one most definitely has them! I won't go too far into the story because some things may change in the editing so, no secrets yet!

I will have a new story coming your way soon! I have to make some changes to that one. Right now it's called The Dead Life. A writer friend threw some ideas my way to help improve that story and I liked one in particular so we'll see how the story transforms! Publication for this book is scheduled for some time next year in 2020! So keep your eyes out for that. All my books are located on my author page on Amazon at

Since I do have more time to devote to my books, I will work on them more and try to write them sooner than I had planned so some books may arrive early. Keep an eye on my author page and stay informed with my author page on facebook which is located at
so you can stay updated all the time.

And don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to get an inside peak in my head and get more information about my writing and my books. Thank you!!!

*A.R. Grosjean