Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tis the Season to be Jolly.......

Well, I believe its officially Christmas season! Yahoooooo! Do you know what that means? It means SHOPPING! Yes, I yelled it lol. I so love to shop. But I'm a woman, I think I have an excuse lol. Speaking of shopping, have you started yours? Don't wait to the last minute because all those gifts on lists of your family and friends may have something on it that everyone else wants too which means that one item that could make or break your gifting could get sold out real quick. And I know you want to be at the top of your game, right? I know you do.

So get off your computer and go shopping! That's an order.

Happy Holidays!!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Beginning to Feel Like Christmas

It's beginning to feel like Christmas. What better way to get the feeling all the way around then to make my look show the Christmassy feeling lol. Now you'll have an idea how my next newsletter's going to look. Now look at what I've done, I've done spoiled it for you lol. Not really because there's more to it than the banner and this picture but the overall look is a surprise! You'll have to subscribe to get that look lol. And I hope you'll enjoy it!

I'm looking for artists for my New Year's issue so if you have something laying around in cyber world, send me an email titled (New Year's Issue Pics) and let's see what you've got. Include the name you use as an artist and links to your website, blog, or where ever you like being contacted as well as a very brief bio about how you began your artistry. I just want to do something a little special for that issue. I need to have everything by Dec 15 so I have time to add everything to the issue so get cracking lol.

Anyway, I really hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and a very happy Christmas! And if I don't see you by Jan 1st, have a very happy New Year as well! May your holidays be jolly and bright!

Love you all!

Amber Rigby Grosjean