Monday, May 20, 2019

May's Updates........

The first subject to be discussed in this issue is this--One of these covers will be a book that will be coming out in around the year 2023. Of course, dates are not edged in stone so if I feel like it's ready before then, I'll be posting it in several different places. I actually like the blue cover because it does reveal more about the story than the one on the right. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on these two choices.

The second subject is a closer one to date. I am in the process of writing book 4 to the Peterson Estate series and here are my cover choices for that book. Please vote for the desired cover. There's a the castle. There's a street on fire. And the third choice is a combination of the two. Which do you like the best? I've finished chapter 1 last night, staying up all night to edit and write the chapter. I'm very happy with how it turned out and began working on chapter 2 this morning. I've reached 7K already. It didn't take long to reach that point.

My third and final subject, come on over to my facebook page, argrosjeanwriter and check out my video. I'm trying something new and would like your feedback. If it turns out being good, I'd like to begin doing this on a normal occasion and possibly adding it to YouTube. So that's it for this post. I can't wait to see you again.

Thank you!!!!

A.R. Grosjean

Monday, May 6, 2019

Things are coming along nicely

I am still working on the Spawn of the Curse's rewrite. Almost done. It's taking a little longer because I've been editing as I go. Before I close up shop, I run through fixing any errors. Once the book is finished, I read over it a couple more times looking for errors that I may find. No one is perfect so sometimes I may miss something. I just hope I don't which is why I take my time. I've read a couple books by Stephen King and found some errors. One or two but they are still there. It shows me he's human and makes me feel better knowing he's got all these editors and still makes mistakes. No one is perfect. I'm relieved knowing that.

So as I'm writing, I am turning the pages, waiting to see how the new story will turn out. I'm excited seeing how the story is much different than it was before. It's like its a whole new story and really it is. I'm loving it. Of course, I am a different person than I was when the story was first created. I only wrote the second book because so many people asked me to. This time around, it only makes sense to write the sequel. So I'm glad I'm getting the chance to rewrite it. Hopefully, people will like it better. I do. I love telling stories. It's in my blood, it's who I am. Without it, I wouldn't know who I was. I mean besides being a wife, mother, and grandmother....and friend. Without writing, my life wouldn't have as much meaning for those other things that I am. Without having the open-mind of a writer, I wouldn't see the world the way I do. I wouldn't be able to care the way I do, or love the way I do. It completes me. Makes me whole. I wouldn't want it any other way! I love being a writer and being able to tell the stories I do. I can't wait to really get things going and be able to share my mind with the world.

So it's 1 in the morning and I've got a lot of work to get done so I better get back to it. Spending the night with my characters, letting them have life. I've already put 1.5K words onto paper and looking to write another 8K before the night is over. See you in the next installment on this blog!!!

Thank you!

A.R. Grosjean

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Run down on books coming soon.......

This is 2019 and here are the books coming soon, in order by year.....

This year, one book has already been released--Peterson Estate book 3. Coming soon around June will be two more books. They are the Bloodline Curse duo titled Cursed Blood and Spawn of the Curse.

 This is the first time the new cover (Spawn of the Curse) has been revealed. When you see this new cover, the new version will be available.

In 2020, Peterson Estate book 4: The Great War will be released. Also, look for the DeadLife.

In 2021, Peterson Estate book 5: Hell Bound will be released. Homesick will also makes it's debut.

In 2021 or 2022, the first book to the Identity set will be released (Stolen). This one is another one of my rewrites. It was originally erotica thriller. It will be cleaned up a bit and more scenes will be added creating a new story. Each book in this set will have the Identity theme: stolen, mistaken, etc.

In 2023, another two books will be released: Peterson Estate book 6 and Fairytales' Truth

More books to follow but not listed here yet. I do have a lot of books in the works but have decided that I needed to begin writing one at a time instead of so many at once. It wasn't working like I had hoped. Not all of my books are novel length so if one is too long, you can enjoy another. And because I write in so many genres, you can decide which ones you prefer. Or you could take a chance and read all of them. Your choice.

I'm always looking for new ideas and stories. I keep my eyes open and my ears close to the ground where I can hear anything coming from around the corner that would bring in an idea. I watch people, see how they respond to other people. I listen to their conversations although I really don't get in their business (I listen to how they talk, choices of words kind of thing). I don't know if other writers do that but it helps me grow and that's important.

So I will let you absorb this information. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter please send me an email at and let me know. Include your name and email please. Thank you!!!!
