Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Update and a little question...


           Okay, so which look is better? Blonde or Brown hair. Just curious to know what you all think?

For me, its the Blonde. It just looks healthier to me lol. I love wearing my headbands and keep making new ones because its fun and its a good way to kill the time lol.

My next newsletter will be coming out soon. Its right on Labor Day, September 1. If you haven't signed up yet, you're more than welcome to do that while you're here. The sign up box is right at the side of the page. Simply put in your email and click on sign up. You'll receive a copy on the first of every month. Each issue is different. I enjoy sharing my issues with you. And you're welcome to share them with others.

Its been a busy month for me. I saw previews for a movie that kind of upset me though. I'm working on a story that has the same idea as the movie. There is a but coming lol. My story isn't a love story so it'll be quite different. Seeing the preview got me thinking though. I believe there will be a little rewriting to do because I really don't want all the same similarities going on between my story and that story. I won't tell you what they are because I don't want to spoil the story. You'll have to see what it is for yourself.

Sometimes a story is revealed to the writer in surprising ways. And when there are holes in the story, he or she fills them in, in ways that make the story feel whole. But sometimes the holes aren't filled right. The writer has to keep going back until the story is right from beginning to end. Then and only then can it be considered finished. That's just what happened with my story. All I have to do is edit what I have and refill those holes so the story is just right. Then I can send it to publishers. Boy, will I be glad when that's done lol. Its been too long since I've had something published.

So that's what happening with me. See you in a few days with my author of the month!

Amber Rigby Grosjean                            

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August's Author of the month: Antoinne Evans

Check out this new author! Here’s the link to his website…..

Antoinne is the author of a book titled “Welcome Back to Self”. This book is about this life and his forefathers. He also co-wrote the book Beginning with Ground Zero Blues (a collection of tales).

The most difficult book he ever wrote remains unpublished at this time. It’s a children’s book he calls The Beast of Burdens. He was sick for the most part during the writing of this book plus he had to teach himself to envision how life would look through the animal’s eyes so he saw himself as the biggest obstacle. He was afraid that a “ruthless” publisher would get a hold of this book after he died so he kept the story to himself. His second book, Welcome Back to Self was published with Publish America which he admits was a mistake because they “stole” much of his royalties. Other than that, he feels writing is fun and he feels writing is the most honorable thing he has ever done.

The easiest book to write was The Beast of Burdens. He had a nephew who died at a very young age (15) and he was able to see all the sketches Antoinne had done for the book leaving Antoinne feeling that he had achieved much more than by getting it published.

Antoinne began writing when he was 7 years old, starting with a heartfelt story explaining why whales sometimes beach themselves. Just as some humans lose the will to live when they lose someone close to them, a whale may deliberately beach themselves from a broken heart.  Antoinne was raised by a single parent so his neighbor became a father figure to him, inspiring him to write. His motivation? He says everyone has a story to tell. He tells his story not only by the written word but also through his conquests and defeats. He is writing a new book about encouraging young people in the ghetto, in honor of his cousin who was murdered in Milwaukee in 2010……...

For new writers out there, Antoinne says this, “Get ready for the rain when the sun quits shining. Always share your good fortune with others and if you don't like our President just remember it took 400 years for him to get there.”

Antoinne’s favorite book?  “Aasop's Fables was a collection of fables that was orally passed on for several thousand years. Aasop was a slave that overcame the stigma
of being a slave just like I am struggling to overcome being labeled Black.”
In his own words.