Friday, May 2, 2014

May's Author Choice: Deanna Jewel

First of all, you can check Deanna’s website at

Deanna is the author of No Turning Back, Whispers at Ghost Point (sequel to No Turning Back), Never Surrender, and Unleash Your Inner Strength. She is a romance writer. Her newest book, Final Surrender (sequel to Never Surrender) will be released soon!

The most difficult book Deanna wrote was No Turning Back because it was the first novel she ever completed. It was published second due to the extended editing. She says the editing process took longer than the actual writing of the book.

The easiest book she wrote was actually her second book (published first), Never Surrender, because she simply wrote the movie that played in her head as the characters played out the parts.

She began writing back in 1991 when she injured her back. She was down for a few months and had many stories in her mind. She had nothing else to do so she let them escape onto the page. Great authors like Johanna Lindsay, Virginia Henley, Rosemary Rogers, Kathleen Woodiwiss all inspired her to become a writer in the historical romance genre. The story teller in her motivates her to write and so far she says many people have enjoyed what she’s created.

What challenges have you [Deanna] overcome in life? Doesn't have to relate to writing. “I've always told myself there is nothing in life I can't accomplish if I set my mind to it and I raised my daughters with that instilled in them. Our mind is a powerful tool but if we doubt ourselves on what we can accomplish, we've already put up the block to what we can really do! Think great things and great things WILL happen! That's The Secret!” This was directly from Deanna’s own words.

Deanna couldn’t name just one book as a favorite. She says she enjoys all historical romances. Shanna written by Kathleen Woodiwiss did come to her mind though.

An added note for writers. Deanna says to reread her comment about challenges and then adds that you attract what you think. Why think small?