Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Update: Spring has begun!

So it has finally come! Spring!!!

The days are slowly getting warmer! I'm so excited. Did you know that sharks migrate? Well, they actually follow the fish so it seems like they are migrating. They have started heading back where they come from. So that's a good sign. And birds are chirping a little louder which means there's more of them which is another good sign. So before you start wishing for cooler days again, enjoy the switch to warmer weather lol. I know I am. Getting to spend more time outside always makes me feel better.

I have officially finished my next issue, coming out on April 1. No its not April Fool's Day even though it is on the calender lol. I'm so not looking forward to the tricks my hubby always pulls on me. I enjoy it more when he gets other people because it means I'm getting a break from it. Sorry all you people who fall victim to his tricks. Maybe one day someone will finally get him. I can hope, can't I?

Anyway, I will be getting ready for the May issue once that one goes out. I'm working up some ideas. I'm all ears from you if you'd care to share something. I know May has Mother's Day. I'm a mother of three and I love them very much! I'm always thinking of them!! My oldest is an adult now which makes me feel old. They always tell me I'm not old which makes me feel better. Although I wish they would have listened when I told them to stop growing lol. I need to find the fountain of youth so I can make them young again so I can repeat their childhood. That would be so awesome! Maybe a story idea can come of it. Who knows?

I am working on the third draft of one of my novels. The working title is "The Dead Life". I don't know what the finished title will be yet. Maybe someone can help me there. Or I might wait for the publisher to throw out ideas when it gets accepted. I'll let you know when I figure it out lol. But I have to finish the book before that can happen lol. And I'm still working on a few other stories. I'll let you know what comes of it all when I get there.

See you again soon!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Update, spring coming soon!!!

This is my favorite bird. I believe its the Blue Jay? Its vibrant and of course, my favorite color. If you notice, the top of the head is the same shape as the Cardinal lol. That's my home state's bird (the Cardinal). It was always said that if you see one early in the year then it meant spring was coming soon. I'm hoping that the weather man is right, no more snow storms! I heard it on the weather channel that there was going to be a warm up in all the states! Cross your fingers!!!

I'm still stuck on some of my scenes. I'm hoping the good weather will help. Its hard to write when you're cold lol. Sitting there shivering lol. No, the house isn't cold. I'm just being funny. I've been around my hubby for too long. Yes, most of his body is made up of funny bones lol. He can't go a day without making someone laugh. Usually me but its always priceless when he gets someone else on one of his jokes lol. I'm like, finally I get a break!

I'm hoping to be done with one of my books by the end of the year. Then it will be out searching for another publisher. That's the hardest part of the writing process. I'm way behind my personal goal on getting one book published a year but sometimes its out of our hands. It happens. Life happens.

That's one of the greatest challenges we face as writers. Making the time to write, edit, do research, etc. Of course time isn't going to fall into our laps, that's why I said make time. When everyone else is having a ball at the party, sometimes we have to buckle down and work on our stories. Even when we're not in the mood we have to write, if we want to get our work finished. No one else can do it for us.

So that's my Que to get off here and go to work!

Amber Rigby Grosjean