Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Wow, time is really flying by! Christmas is only a week away! Actually, it is only 5 days away! As we hurry to the stores for last minute shopping, we double-check our lists to make sure we haven't forgotten anyone. And then slap our heads when we realize we did and run back to the store to see if we can find something. Doesn't that sound familiar? This is the most hectic time of year for everyone including those stores. Things run out all the time because hot items sell so quickly. And then when we have those items on our lists, we have to settle for the next thing and hope those stores have 'em. Transformers are a big hit this year. Pirates are too from the movie Pirates of the Carribean. I haven't seen the latest yet but I plan on it sense I enjoyed the first one, yeah I know there are 2 new ones--got to see them both lol.

While you are out there shopping, please remember to drive carefully and take your time. In some areas, the roads are slick and dangerous. I wouldn't want to see anyone getting hurt this time of year. It just wouldn't be right. This is a time for happiness, sharing, being with people you love, memories worth charishing, singing, wishing people good tidings, and so much more! With that in mind, I would like to wish everyone a happy Merry Christmas!
Now for the new year! Have you made your new year resolutions? I have! I think I have said it before but I can't remember lol. My memory flies away from me a lot lol. Anyway, I plan on writing another 2 books in the year 2008 and hopefully get them published! I plan on marketing all my books even harder than before, getting in more book signings. I plan on bringing a great newsletter to my readers. I plan on having great topics to share on here in my blog. I would love to make a lot of new friends. You can never have too many of those! I plan on getting interviews in more public places than the internet (got to have those). I don't even know what else I can add here.
What about all of you? What are your goals for the year 2008? Reply back and let others know. Come on, don't be shy. Have fun with it! See you next week!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Another Day!

Time seems to pass by me like its the wind, very fast and hardly noticed lol. I finally finished the first round of edits of my book, Mother of the Dragons. I changed a few things to improve on the story. I plan on making another round of edits and look for it to be finished by the first of the year. Then the fun part begins--looking for a publisher. For those who know this part of writing knows this isn't fun. There is so much that needs to be done. A writer has to research, finding the right publisher for that particular book. If the genre isn't right for the publisher, they will return it without even reading it. They know the genre by reading the query letter the writer first sends them. Each publisher has a list of guidelines they want writers to follow. They list what they want, word count they are looking for, some want agented authors and some don't care either way. They are looking for manuscripts that have already been edited by the writer. They look at the targeted audience. If they just published a book on vampires and your book is about the same thing, they may turn you down. If the pages have a scent or come with gifts, they will turn the book down because they don't take bribes. They want to be won over by a great story and they are hoping its right there in your story so give it to them without the frills. Dazzle them with your words! Writers don't include a photo of themselves unless they are asked for them too.
Writers recieve many rejections for many reasons before finding a publisher who will accept the manuscript. This is time consuming. A contract must be drawn up, reviewed and sent to the author either by mail or by email. Then the author will review the contract, sign it (keeping a copy for their records--signed too) and send the copy back to the publisher. From there, the publisher will begin designing a cover and editing the story. This is real time consuming so the author will begin another book as he/she waits to hear back from the designer and editor. Some publishers ask the author what he/she visions on the cover, some don't (they will let you know if they want your opinion--otherwise, don't volunteer). A sample of the cover will be sent to the author for review and acceptance. If he/she doesn't like it, the cover is refused and a new cover is designed until everyone approves it--the publisher has the final say. The editor will work on the manuscript making suggestions for a better flow, settings, context, characters, etc. The editor will also look into spelling and grammar. When the editor is finished, the author will look it over and accept or deny changes and return it to the editor for another round until it is finally finished. It will then be passed on to the copy editor who will double check spelling and grammar making sure words aren't missing that are needed for the sentence to make sense. Once approved the manuscript is passed on again for formatting which the book is made into the way readers will see it when it is finished. Once it passes this round, the book is sent to the printers to be made into a book or ebook, or both. Once it is made it will be sent to reviewers and copies are sent to the author. I may have skipped some steps but that is the overall process of getting the book from the author's hands to the publisher's hands, and eventually to the readers.
Once the book is in the author's hands and even before, the author begins to market the book to the general public. Every author markets his/her books differently. There are many books out there that have ideas to help authors promote their own books. Some information is free on the web. All writers want to be noticed, that is the main goal. Getting the name out there is very important. Some publishers help and some don't but writers should always do some marketing on their own either way. Depending on the publisher isn't going to get your book out there and known by the world. It takes time and energy but its worth it when the writer sees his/her books in the hands of new fans who adore that reader. Each new book the writer publishes adds more readership and publishers know that. They want writers who plan on writing a lot of books not just one or two. The more you write, the more you publish, the better chances you have to get noticed!
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Another Week Closer to X-Mas!

Well, we are another week closer to the big day. Are you decorating your homes yet? I began shortly after Halloween lol. Yea, that was early but we were in the mood for it so we began early. We have our tree up which you got to see in my last posting. Haven't started baking yet. I figured we would do that next week or so to make the cookies last till Christmas. I love baking cookies, esp. this time of year lol.

Mother of the Dragons is still being worked on. These things do take time but I enjoy visiting others worlds. In the first newsletter of the year, I will discuss this new book. Hopefully by then I will be finished working on it and going to the next book, Till Death do us Part, which was the same book I started writing before Mother of the Dragons. I wasn't happy with the way it was going so I took a break on it to work on this book. Writers do that from time to time. Some writers work on many books like I used to all at the same time. Other writers only write one book at a time from beginning to end. That's including editing them as well.
Tonight, my husband and I moved my office back into the spare bedroom. It turned out we wouldn't need that room after all. He and I both agreed that I needed my extra space for all my writing supplies. I tend to have things gathered up in areas that appeared to be a clutter lol. It's not messy but it was all crammed together so it looked like it was. Now I can reorganize my space and keep it looking nice. But when it does get to the point where my creativity does appear messy, we can just close the door and forget about it! I have always liked that anyway. If you can create a space that is seperate from your everyday living all the better for you. Granted, you're a writer 24-7 but having a room that can be used just for writing will get people in your family used to your writing habits and know when a good time to bug you is. This will "teach" them your schedule. When you are in your special space, they know to leave to alone so you can write! Don't rent a space outside the home because you would use up that extra time driving instead of writing and you need all the time you can muster up. I went into more on this topic on my writing site at so if you are a writer, check that out. More information will be added as time passes so be sure to keep returning! While you're there, check out my official site too. Its under the button called Amber Rigby Grosjean.
Well that is enough for now. I will see you next week when I discuss more things for your pleasing eyes! Have a great weekend!
Amber Rigby Grosjean <----my official website!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just Another Day In My Life

A week has passed since Thanksgiving and I am still hard at work writing my books. It is a never ending job but someone has to do it lol. I love to write so it doesn't bother me. Its editing that I don't really care for but its a big part of writing so editing I must do.

I've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping this passed week. My kids have 3 each so far, I'm not saying a word about their gifts lol. Who knows whose reading this lol. I also got a few gifts for close friends which are wrapped since they visit a lot. It's easy for them since they live just accross the street lol. So now I have more to wrap but there is plenty of time to get the rest wrapped and place neatly under the new tree. It is a pretty tree this year. I decorated it in our wedding colors, and my husband's favorite football team's colors (the Cowboys). They are playing so well this year. In Muncie, it is really hard finding anything that isn't Colts, I swear. If we lived in Fort Wayne, we wouldn't have a problem finding Cowboys stuff for Christmas. That is the down side of living close to Indianapolis lol. Maybe next year. That would be nice! I bought everything on sale last year after the holidays were over which saved us a bundle! The tree we got this year but it looks so nice with the blue and silver, I think.
I have been neglecting my writing just a little so tonight after I am finished writing in this blog, I will be spending the rest of the night and morning working on my newest book, Mother of the Dragons. The rough draft is complete but there is a lot of editing and polishing to do which takes the biggest portion of writing lol. At least for me anyway. This is something I am still learning about.
I will be discussing this book in my newsletter for the Jan issue if you haven't signed up for it yet. Starting in that issue, I will be having a totally new look to bring to everyone! I have a program that will covert my work into pdf format so people will be able to read it using Adobe Reader, which you can download for free. I had Adobe already so it was nice getting the converter (it was free too!). I save money where ever I can so more important things like my website can be bought lol.
Well, hey this is enough for this blog. I will be seeing you again next week as I write another one! Enjoy the week and don't forget, books make great gifts! It doesn't matter the age!
Happy Holidays
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Feast!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, all around the world!

The turkey is golden brown and stuffed with the sweet aroma of turkey stuffing. The Cranberry sauce is full of flavor and ready for a taste from all the family members and friends. The mashed potatoes has Grandma's special touch as it sits in her holiday bowl. A small ham is decorated with pineapples and smells oh so good and waiting for those who don't care so much for turkey. The other wonderful fixings decorate the table with color and aroma. We are surrounded by people who love us and are thankful for us being around. We say our prayer and give thanks for the wonderful food we are about to eat. When the prayer has ended, each member tells the one thing he or she is truly thankful for. "Ahs" and "ohs" are heard throughout the room. One of the children says something cute and we all start laughing, thankful for a day like this.

What ever food you have prepared and who ever you are sharing this day with, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest and are thankful for each day you have together! These times we have are very precious and should be enjoyed to the fullest as if there were no tomorrow. It is a time for celebration and laughter so start now and never end!

Enjoy life, enjoy each other and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean (and family)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Website!

I have just loaded my new website and it is running now! This will be my offitial site for those who would like to check it out. With the new change, this will be my main blog as well! Each week, I will be adding a new message! Feel free to reply to them at any time!
There will be more things added to my site over the next couple days through the next few weeks as I prepare for my next book to be released!
Newsletters will still be going out every first of the month so sign up before the first gets here! December's issue may be coming out a day early due to my leaving town for the day. After that, the first of every month will have a new newsletter sent directly to your email! Your information will not be shared with outside parties for any reason!
Thank you!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Newest Book

All right. I have a new book to talk about. This one is still being written but I have finished the first rough draft. Rough meaning it has some things that still need to go into the story. A lot of writers just worry about getting the story out of them and then go back later and fill it in. That was what I did.

A special friend of mine wanted me to write a book about dragons. It took me a few years to come up with a story that I could tell. When I finally came up with this story, I realized it was for adults, not children. Sorry, Teddy. Mother of the Dragons has a bit of romance in the story but because of the fighting between human and dragons, it is more dark fantasy than romance. I just added that little touch to keep it from being too much.

Dawnrae is the first dragon man, woman, or child has ever seen. She was a human at one time but because of a forbidden love, a wizard named Zayne turned her into a dragon, something he called Fire Beast. Then because he felt guilty, he made a new potion for Dawnrae. If love put her in that position, love could also save her but it has to be real love, true love. Dawnrae couldn't see how anyone could love a hideous beast as herself. Losing the only man she did love, made her angry and in a lot of pain so she raised her own army for a war against a king who wanted her dead.

Years pass as she tells her life story to a young couple who she met in a cave along a beach. Her human eyes had a way of calming Sarah and Brian, ginving them a chance to learn a little history about the dragons, including the magic they brought other countries, inspiration for a song writer, and hearing how those legends of evil dragons were real. Does Dawnrae carry enough magic to save herself from who she became? Did Zayne's potion really save her with the one thing that made her what she was? And what about the young couple? What do they bring to the story?

I have to finish this story and bring it to life so you can see how this story ends. Imagine though, sword fights, a battle to the death, passion, a lost love, and more!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Stolen Identity

Are you adopted? Did you ever want to know why your birth mother gave you to another family? Matthew was adopted. He was angry with his mother for "giving" him away because his adopted mother was very abusive. She blamed him for her husband walking out on them as well! Matthew had no idea he had been adopted until his mother passed away. It was on her death bed when the truth finally came out. His anger was born.
When Matthew hired a detective to locate his mother, he learned 2 things. One, his birth mother was also gone and two, he had a twin brother who his birth mother had raised from birth. Anger grew stronger inside his heart. After seeing his brother from a distance, he saw his brother's hot wife. It was at that moment when a plan began to grow in his mind. A plan that would take others' lives and hopefully win the heart of Allison.
Matthew was normally a great guy who obeyed the law and did anything he was told, esp. his mother. After she was gone, he was finally free to explore the world and be who he wanted to be. When he saw Allison, he knew who he wanted to be--his brother. Being identical twins, he could pull it off if he planned it right and played the game to a tee. He had to learn everything his brother knew, use everything his brother used, talk to the same friends, play the same sports, and so on. He had to follow Allison which wasn't work, it was a gift.
When everything was set into place, his brother had to die. Taking his brother's place meant being with Allison all the time, making love to her when ever he wanted, and raising the children as his own. How hard could that be? Well, for Matthew, it could be really hard!
This is as much as I'm telling you right now! An excerpt is available on my website as well as more information about this book which will be coming out soon!
It was published by Amira Press
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Little From Amber

Ok, it has been a while since I have said anything on here and I do apologize for this. Being a full time writer means keeping busy on writing, editing, promoting books being published, and focusing on any new projects. I am doing this all day it seems. I do enjoy it so there's no complaints here.
Originally, I thought my book would be ready by now but due to complications and a change of opinion from one editor to another, the release date hasn't been assigned yet. This does make people wait a little longer but all good things are worth waiting for. So I have been told lol. I do agree with that because Stolen Identity really is getting to be a great story and I am enjoying this process as it goes from idea being born all the way to getting on the shelves.
There are so many things that are behind the scenes of publishing books. Some of these things will never be understood by people who don't write. Some things will always be understood by those people and these people will respect the writer for taking the steps needed for that great book! I know I respect the process even though I'm very anxious.
As I wait for more edits to come back to me, I continue to write more books. It is a writer's job to write and that is what I intend to do for the rest of my life. I want to write until I no longer can and hopefully that won't happen for another 30 or so years lol. That is a lot of books! A writer can't control what book is accepted and what book is denied but we can work really hard to make the book the best we can and just be patient as we search for publishers and agents that will accept the books we write. I find it very fullfilling as I sit and write. I can escape into other worlds and become the characters so to speak.
Ok, once the book does come out, I will be throwing a contest for a free ebook! Yes, Stolen Identity will have two different versions available once it is available. I have no idea what the contest will contain just yet but it will be interesting to see how I do come up with it. The ebook will then be sent via email to the winner which can be downloaded to the pc for instant reading. From there, an booksigning will be scheduled. The location has already been set up with someone I know who owns an adult bookstore who also sells other items for adults. I felt it was appropriate since it is an erotica story lol. A second location hasn't been discovered yet but I am hoping I will hit the other store who is owned by her husband, same type of store just different location. I haven't discussed this with him just yet. I need to wait for a release date before I can do any more than I already have. Meanwhile, I tell people about the book so more people will be aware of it when it does come out.
I do have a lot of fun telling people I write erotica books. I have a plan for another book but I haven't started writing that one yet. I wanted to get another genre out there first. Romance is my next one, well not romance lol. It will be more fantasy with romance in it to keep it interesting. As it turned out, my first book Cursed Blood has a supernatural romance twist which keep readers wanting more. The horror keeps you suspended and on the edge of the seat while the romance keeps you motivated to turn the page. It connects you to the characters which is a great thing. I guess I like romance after all which is why I wanted to write a book that just had romance in it which will be another book. I have that one started but needed to work out the kinks in it so I took a break from that to write the fantasy romance story.
Ok, this is really enough to keep you wondering what's going on. Remember, you can always check out my website to get all my information about all the books I have written and published, as well as the ones I am working on now. You can also sign up for my newsletter so you can get this information sent directly to you instead of you going to the site all the time. You would be one of the first people to learn the release date and any new information.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you there! Bye 4 now!
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/21/2007 Update!

Well, to begin, I have recieved my edits back. I worked really hard, well into the night, to make my changes. I really improved the story. My editor really knows what she's doing! She is now going over those changes and will get back with me over the weekend. It looks like the book will be ready some time in September but I'm not really sure. It depends on how long we edit this book! So please bare with me on this! This is for the book, Stolen Identity, by the way lol.
As for Cursed Blood, it is selling rather well! Libraries in Fort Wayne and Muncie, Indiana have this book on the shelf. I went to the library here in Muncie, the one down town, just to see the book. It was awsome seeing one of my own books on a shelf. I can't even begin to tell you how that felt. It was overwhelming! I hope to get the sequal published as well because I know it's better! I still waiting to hear on that one.
I am also still waiting to hear on another book. It was requested. Then requested again because it had been destroyed in a flood. The publisher did say she enjoyed it and had some questions for me but couldn't remember what those questions were so she requested the same chapters to review and get the questions ready. She said either her or her editor would get back to me. I am so anxious about that. Mysteries of the Peterson Estate is a very special story for me because of the things I had to go through for it. I lost it once. The characters haunted me so I was forced into rewriting it. It had been rejected many times and then one publisher says she's interested and wanted to see a sample of the work. I about cried when I read that! I hope to bring you more news about that soon! Until then, keep checking my website for any news!
Amber Rigby Grosjean

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Hello again! I would like to share an update with you. I am in the middle of writing a new steamy novel. This one has romance in it. It is my first attempt at romance so we'll see how that one turns out.

Cursed Blood is doing well. I get a lot of people asking me about it. Some people who have read the book, send me emails to tell me how much they have enjoyed it. A man was the most recent. He lives in the same town as I do and he wants me to sign his book for him. He's been asking me questions and wanting advice. I've been helping him as much as I can with the knowledge that I do have. I'm not an expert on relationships lol even though there are no problems with mine lol. But, I guess since I wrote an erotica, I will be getting emails like that from time to time. It's no big deal because I do enjoy hearing from my fans.

Stolen Identity is still being edited. The first round is complete and a new editor took over. I heard from her this morning. She did a quick read through and now is beginning to edit. I should hear from her next week, she said. Of course, I don't expect her to hurry. I want this book to be as perfect as it can come for all my fans. You are all important to me and I would hate to disappoint any of you. That is why it's taking a while to get this done. Please be patient as I am. That isn't easy for me, by the way lol.

More news.....I also have written some YA stories in which I am trying to find a publisher for. One in paticular was the first piece I ever finished. A publisher has it now, looking it over. It was sent to them by request so we will see how that goes. My imagination is very wild and I can't control how it works so I just give in to it. I will use a different name, Amber Rigby. And it will be found on the same website to make it easier for everyone to find all my work. I would rather be honest about it than hide behind a different name and website. I'm sure some would appreciate that. At least, I hope so anyway lol.

Well, I look forward to meeting any of you. You're welcome to reply or send me an email if you wish. I am always open to a discussion. Thank you!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Sunday, July 29, 2007


To begin these blogs, let me tell you a little about who I am. First and foremost, I am a full time writer. I have been writing since I was 11 years old. Let's just say it was my last career choice growing up. I have always enjoyed telling stories and I was able to talk to people better on paper than in person. I was very shy growing up. That was in part because I was being teased by my classmates and two sisters. That changed when my family moved from Monroe to Fort Wayne, both in Indiana. I began making friends and my love for writing grew even more. I learned how to write poetry. Now, at the age of 31, I love writing more than when I was a kid. Having my own kids made the difference I think. My husband adores the fact that I write and encourages me everyday which also makes the difference. Cursed Blood was my first book published. It actually came to me through a nightmare. The main character is Donna Summers, who I was in the dream. The actual beginning of the book is the part that woke me up. I was terrified. I felt my heart racing. I looked over at my husband who didn't even stir so I lied back down and looked up at the celing as I calmed down. Then I started thinking. I had always wanted to write horror stories like Stephen King so I thought this would be a good story to begin with. I made plans for a year. I developed the characters and dates in which people died from her curse. I sat on it for a little while during the writing of another story. Then, I began writing Cursed Blood. One month later, which is my record by the way, Cursed Blood was fininished. I sent it to many publishers and waited for acceptance as I sent other stories in too. Two months later, it was available for readers.Stolen Identity is my second book published. It isn't available yet. This is the book that I was writing when I planned Cursed Blood. This one took me two years to write because the scenes were difficult to get through. I actually stopped writing it for a while when I moved to Muncie, Indiana. It was there when I talked to a friend about the book. She read what I had written and loved it. She suggested a few things to get me out of writers block and it worked. The remaining year, I spent polishing the book and began sending it in when I sent Cursed Blood. It was actually accepted by the same house that had rejected it a couple months before. A different editor saw it and liked it. She made a few more suggestions and I changed one of the scenes. Now it is begin edited, a few months after it was accepted. It was accepted in May, just shortly after my very first book signing.As I continue to write more books, new ideas keep pounding my brain. I've developed a new system which will hopefully allow me to get to each story quicker so I don't lose them. I used to write stories at the same time but that hasn't worked for me. So now, I write one book at a time, writing 5-10 pages a day, 7 days a week. It takes about an hour to write 5 pages so I begin at 1am and go to bed about 2:30 sometimes later if I get caught in a scene. Sometimes when I have time, I write in the middle of the day. It always depends on what's going on around me.Ok, for the first blog, I've said enough. More to come soon!

Amber Rigby Grosjean