Sunday, March 30, 2014

Almost There--April Fools Day

One more day left of this month and guessed it, April Fools Day! Are you ready? One thing I've learned over the years, you almost have to expect something to happen and then don't fall for it. Easier said than done. It truly is. Especially when someone wakes you up right at midnight telling you something is wrong somewhere; the house, the neighbor's house, something on the news, what ever. You're not quite awake so you pretty much fall for it most of the time. At least I do anyway lol.

Its a fun time, don't get me wrong. I love seeing everyone else fall for the innocent pranks. As long as they stay innocent. You never want to see someone getting hurt. That's when the fun dies. So I'd like to wish everyone a safe and fun fools day!

There's always ideas running around. Buying a fake winning lottery ticket could work. Just don't do it if you're seriously needing the money though lol. You fell down and hurt something important. Usually people run up to you to make sure you're okay before calling 911 lol. Don't let it get to that point. I remember one year I told my little sister her butt was on fire. She was sitting on a heater vent because it was cold in the room. She jumped up and hit herself in the butt as she ran all around the room trying to put the fire out. If its cold where you're at, that could work for you. The list can go on forever, quite literally. And you want it to fit the circumstances in your life, something that relates to you. It makes it more precious seeing someone fall for it. When my husband and I worked together in a restaurant, our boss took some chocolate pudding and corn, spread it all over the bathroom and asking one of the guys to go clean it up before the place opened. It was gross but it worked. The guy thought it was real. It was rather mean but it was funny seeing the guy's face when he came out of the bathroom. Another idea? If you're good at cooking. Bake a cake (this would be for a guy) shaped as a bikini with balloons under the icing. When he cuts the cake, it pops. Someone did that for my hubby's birthday at the same restaurant. Everyone expect my husband jumped when the balloons popped lol. It was fun though.

Okay, that's enough ideas for you. Go have some fun. Just remember, keep it safe and everyone should have a good day. Don't be pranking the same person all day though, cause payback is never as much fun. Okay, you know the true saying, I hope lol.

Happy Fool's Day!!!!!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Sunday, March 16, 2014

New Issue, Coming in April

In the next issue, I'm going to be introducing the author T. L. Cooper, author of many books with some new releases coming out this year. Those titles are included in the issue.

In the "On Writing" section of my newsletter, I've shared a little of what I know about the difference between dialogue and monologue. Some writers in the beginning can get the two confused which can cause problems in writing. It doesn't make a person dumb in anyway, by the way. Writing a book can be easy, writing a good book is difficult and requires time and a lot of patience. Toning one's talents makes it easier but its still hard work.

You'll have to read the issue to see what topic I've chosen for "Something to think about". I'd love to hear from you on the topics I've chosen to share.

And to end the issue, I've shared a little about me.

That's for April. Of course, the theme for the design is Easter! So let's get those baskets ready and start painting those eggs. But its not all bunnies and eggs. Remember it is the day the Lord has risen!

Thank you!!!!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


   Today 3/4/14

A few more people have subscribed to my newsletters and to those people (and who are already there) I say thank you! This month is my birthday month! In this issue for March, I went with a St. Patrick's Day theme so you'll see some green and some flowers lol. I've already posted this month's Author which I hope you enjoyed. Check out her books!

Next month is April first, and no its not a Fool's Day issue. Easter is the theme, as you may have guessed. Its not too early to sign up for it, or for any issues for that matter. If you sign up this month, I'll send you March's issue right away! And if you'd like to check out any earlier issues, just let me know. I can go back as far as Jan 2013. I try to keep a copy of all my issues for that reason lol. Thank you very much everyone!!!!

 Posted on 10-13-13
My newsletters are still going strong. This month, I went with a scary theme for Halloween. Ghosts and bats lol. Okay, so its not so scary but the information is still interesting. Its not too late to subscribe. Even if its the last day of the month, if you want the current issue and get the next issue on the first, let me know.

November 1 is scheduled to be my next issue. I can hardly wait to share it with you. Thanksgiving is a factor of the theme with this one. I think that's one thing you can expect from me. When the holidays come up, they are featured lol. But I've done something new for this issue, something you can have some fun with. Its not all about writing in November. I don't think December will be either which is why a special issue will be coming out on the first of the year! So if you haven't subscribed yet, please please do so now so you won't miss that issue. Thank you!!!!!

Posted on 6/14/13

Since I've went back to making my newsletters, I've been trying some new things. I'm hoping to get people to participate with me on them. I've added a whole section called, "Something to Think About". Each month I'll come up with something to make you think, maybe even react. I hope some of my topics aren't too controversial but then again if it makes you think then maybe I've done my job. I know its not related to writing in any way but these are things I've pondered at one time or another so it is related to me I guess lol.

And of course, I've added a section here to my blog that gives you a sneak peak of my newsletters. You get two whole pages to check out. I have a total of 9 pages in my newsletter. Of course, some months I may include extra pages. Those are the special editions lol.

Every month I will be including an interview with another writer. That is something I've done since day one and I've enjoyed it fully. It is a hard job to get noticed with everything us writers have to compete with. Besides competing with each other, we have to fight other things to get your attention. There's the computer with all the bells and whistles it has to offer. By the way, you can download books and read them on your computer too. There's television and all our favorite shows and movies. And even the radio can steal you away from our books. Shopping, working, parties, school, and so much more take your attention from our books. I take pleasure out of introducing new writers to you. People, otherwise you'd never know about and hopefully you'll be turned towards one of their books as well.

Also in each newsletter I throw in a book that I've actually read! Yes, I read now. Not as often as I'd like but I have read a few books here and there. I actually sat down and read all of the Twilight Saga books. It took me a little time but I did read those big books. I don't think I'll read anything that's longer though lol. It does reveal a little more about me, the things I like or don't like.

And as always (since day one) I include a section on writing because its who I am. I do have a lot of writers who subscribe to my newsletters but that's not why I added that section. I wanted to open the world of writing to those who don't write so they can see writing isn't as easy as putting a pen to paper. Okay, sometimes it can be easy but its not as easy as you may think lol. There's more to it than just writing something on paper, or typing.

And of course, I throw in some extra things into each issue to make each month different. The layout is always different and I try to change up the theme of my issues as well. If you would like to subscribe, I've added a little section on here to do that. If you're a writer and have a book published (even if its self-published), I'd love to include you in one of my newsletters. Send me an email and I'll get back with you with a full set of questions for one of my issues. Please include your name, or pen name if its different, your website or blog, and the title(s) of the book(s) you have published and I'll send you questions that relate to you.

Thank you!!!!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

Saturday, March 1, 2014

This Month's Author- Saundra Crum Akers

Saundra is a mystery/suspense author with books titled; Fear Treads the Mountains, Ghost Hunter, Joe White and the Seven Ghosts, The Wannabe Witch, The Tempest Rider, Bite of the Serpent, The Smelly Man, Whispers on The Wind, Spooked, Manifesting Destiny, The Abandoned Ghost, My Fractured Mind, Sins of The Mother, Guilty!, Dream Buster, and a series titled Questing Hart (Shattered Hart, Hopeful Hart, and Spirited Hart).

Check out her website to learn more about these books or even order them

Bite of the Serpent was her most difficult book to write because it was her first real “who dunnit” book. The easiest book to write was Abandoned Ghost because it didn’t require much research except for the location of the story.

She began writing in 2005. She retired from working with the state of Ohio in order to write. Of course with all her research and writing, she doesn’t feel so retired anymore. She always intended to write when she was younger. At 7, she told her mother and her mother told her to stick with short stories because she didn’t have the patience to write long ones. Her inner drive and having a lot to say motives her to write. Saundra has an active mind that’s always bouncing all over the place. She sets all her stories in Ohio where she grew up.

Saundra enjoys books written by James Patterson, Michael Connelly, Heather Graham, Robert Tanenbaum, John Lescroart, Lisa Jackson, and Tess Geritson. She enjoys movies and TV shows like The Mentalist, CSI, Lie to Me, Castle, and Medium.

Her latest books published at Sins of The Mother which is a historical suspense, Joe White and the Seven Ghosts, and the Wannabe Witch. Right now she is working on a comic adventure similar to Janet Evanavich’s Stephanie Plum series.