Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hello everyone! New Update!

Hello everyone, its Amber! How's everyone doing this summer? Hot? Just think, summer is only begun! I can't believe it either lol.

Anyways.........I just wanted to remind you that I have a new blog. Its a blog/website for now. At least until I decide to go with someone else lol. This way I can talk to my fans while giving them the information they need.

So if you don't mind, come on over and check it out. It has a cool background with a matching banner. I just added a page with Peterson Estate's excerpt so you can read a little about my latest book. Its a year old now (I just can't believe it lol).

If you're following this blog, please go ahead and follow that one because I'll be deleting this one pretty soon. I would love to get some ideas to add pages to the new one so it will always be fresh. And of course, there is already a reading list page so people can see how active I am with books that I've read. I'm reading a new one right now about a murderer whose going around killing people in culd-de-sacs (spelling is off there lol)

I'm hoping to start my newsletters back up in August too! That is if everything works out. I'm still working on that at this time but its looking promising. I'll be sending an email to everyone on my list as a reminder when I know for sure. If not, it will be soon! Thank you for being so patient!

See you soon!


Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm going to be blogging on my new location now. Its linked below! I do have followers here which is why I'm posting this here for now. Please check out my new blog and feel free to make a comment. As things get more steady, I'll be sharing more interesting things lol.

I have made a new post today (May 11) about my favorite book. I'm also making a list of books I've actually read! At this time, I'm working on Firestarter by Stephen King. I haven't added the most recent book yet but I will be soon. Its another King book lol. That makes about 3 books now that I've read under King! There's a long way to go but at least I'm reading now!!!!!
Its at


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Been Awhile lol

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry its been so long since I've blogged lol. Been terribly busy (you know private stuff lol). Anyway, I'm slowly getting things back on track but its going to take a little while longer before things get to be normal again. Life--you can't hate it all the time but you sure can't love it all the time either. Doesn't that just drive you nuts?

Ok, so I'm actually doing something new now! Guess what? I'm actually reading!!!! Yes, I have a list of books that I have read and enjoyed. I will eventually add that list here (forgot to bring it with me lol). I really miss hanging out with all of you and hopefully soon I will be able to do that again.

So as you may already know, my website is down and I'm really sorry about that. As a temporary one, I'm building a new "blog" here which will be a substitute until one gets redone for me. My information will be there. I'm also changing my pen name to just A.R. Grosjean to make it a little shorter. There's this new book I'm getting ready to start on, have to do the research for it first, but it will be a great story about a train. Will have suspense and thiller to it! Of course, adults and young adults will enjoy this one but I have to get to writing it first. Then I can tell you what its about! I have a feeling this one will be the next best seller!!!! We can only hope, right?
