Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Started writing a new book

Well I started working on a new book last night
 An idea just popped in my head and I couldn't get it out. When I began writing I didn't have a title. Sometimes I do that. And then the title hit me mid sentence so I scrolled up the page and quickly added it.

The book is called The Keepers. Right now all I can say is that its an alien story. I can't wait to reveal it!

A.R. Grosjean

Friday, September 18, 2015

New Changes

As you can see I've made new changes to the design of my blog. I hope you like it.

I like mixing things up a bit every now and then. Its like cleaning house. Sometimes a sofa needs to be moved for a fresh look lol.

Yeah that's me. I'm always moving things around. Sometimes furniture is pushed up against the wall, sometimes its"free standing". I don't like the look to be the same too long lol. Lucky for me, I married someone who is the same way! I grew up in a house where the sofa was always in the same place and it got boring for me. So when I got my own place, I knew I would be different and I am! Got to have change in my life every now and then. Some things can't be changed but some things can be so I work on the things that can be changed. We've actually switched rooms before too. I once lived in a house that was broken down into apartments and my side was basically a walk through. The bedroom was originally in the center which meant you had to walk through the bedroom to get to the kitchen from the living room. So we switched the living room and the bedroom. We blocked the front door and used the back door to the kitchen. Problem solved! And of course, we had a sign on the front door for people to go the back door if they were visiting so we didn't have to yell through the door.

I'm the same way with my blog. If I left it the same all the time, it would be boring lol. So I change it up every now and then so you feel like you're at a new place. Its something for me and something for you! All at the same time.

So what have I been up to?

Besides redecorating, I got caught up on one of my favorite shows. Finally finished Season 4 on "Once Upon A Time". Now I can't wait for the next season!!! Talk about a twist!! I love twists. I really love them a lot lol. If you haven't seen the show I don't want to spoil it for you but its one of those things you really have to watch! I'm dead serious. Its got Snow White and all the other fairy tale characters all in one show. Its got me hooked big time. Of course, I was hooked from the beginning in season one with episode one. I started watching the show on TV but got behind so when I had the chance to watch it on Netflix, I got caught up as soon as I could, watching one episode after another. No commercials!! The same thing for another favorite show of mine. Yep, that would be Supernaturals! I love that Dean and Sam!!!!! I'm currently waiting for season 10. Can't wait to see what happens to the boys.

I'm also working on my books. Research for one and editing another. So much work to do still. Can't wait to send it out to publishers!!!

Amber Rigby Grosjean