This picture I took on the same day. He got me into playing around with the camera. Of course, I already knew about the feature because whenever I get a new phone, I always play around with it so I can learn what the phone does.
Its amazing what cell phones can do now days. I remember when they first came out. The flip phones which are still around, were such a pain. I hated texting because you had to punch the key for the letter, sometimes two or three times depending on which letter you wanted. Then came the slider phones which were nice because they had a full keyboard but they were really small buttons so texting was still a chore. And then I discovered a smart phone. Everything on one screen. Select what you want and go from there. And you can add apps which can get a little crazy.
Looking around, it seems everyone has a smart phone now. Some people are going nuts with them. Walking into things, getting hurt; all because they can't take their eyes off the screens. Selfies are being taken everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. I saw girls taking selfies in the bathroom. I mean, come on. How weird is that? As if people need to see a toilet stall in the background. You can edit your pictures but people don't. So instead of cropping out the toilet, they leave it in there hoping people won't notice the dirty toilet behind you. Yeah, not all bathrooms have stall doors lol especially if its one of those one person bathrooms.
But to make it fair, smart phones do come in handy. The built in GPS with maps help you find your way in a new city. I've used it many times. You can get the weather app so you can be sure its going to be a nice day or to avoid the bad weather. There's great apps that help keep you busy so you're not bored while waiting to see the doctor or whatever appointment you're waiting for. And the games are addictive lol. Believe me, I know. There's apps to help you grow; cooking, writing, etc. Checking emails don't require computers now. Its great. But people live in their cell phones now. Instead of visiting with people in the room, everyone is on their own cell phone. Texting or playing with whatever app is on the phone.
Our technology as evolved. With that, some people have gotten dumb over the years. Sorry to say it but its true. I did say some, not all.