A week has passed since Thanksgiving and I am still hard at work writing my books. It is a never ending job but someone has to do it lol. I love to write so it doesn't bother me. Its editing that I don't really care for but its a big part of writing so editing I must do.
I've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping this passed week. My kids have 3 each so far, I'm not saying a word about their gifts lol. Who knows whose reading this lol. I also got a few gifts for close friends which are wrapped since they visit a lot. It's easy for them since they live just accross the street lol. So now I have more to wrap but there is plenty of time to get the rest wrapped and place neatly under the new tree. It is a pretty tree this year. I decorated it in our wedding colors, and my husband's favorite football team's colors (the Cowboys). They are playing so well this year. In Muncie, it is really hard finding anything th
at isn't Colts, I swear. If we lived in Fort Wayne, we wouldn't have a problem finding Cowboys stuff for Christmas. That is the down side of living close to Indianapolis lol. Maybe next year. That would be nice! I bought everything on sale last year after the holidays were over which saved us a bundle! The tree we got this year but it looks so nice with the blue and silver, I think.

I have been neglecting my writing just a little so tonight after I am finished writing in this blog, I will be spending the rest of the night and morning working on my newest book, Mother of the Dragons. The rough draft is complete but there is a lot of editing and polishing to do which takes the biggest portion of writing lol. At least for me anyway. This is something I am still learning about.
I will be discussing this book in my newsletter for the Jan issue if you haven't signed up for it yet. Starting in that issue, I will be having a totally new look to bring to everyone! I have a program that will covert my work into pdf format so people will be able to read it using Adobe Reader, which you can download for free. I had Adobe already so it was nice getting the converter (it was free too!). I save money where ever I can so more important things like my website can be bought lol.
Well, hey this is enough for this blog. I will be seeing you again next week as I write another one! Enjoy the week and don't forget, books make great gifts! It doesn't matter the age!
Happy Holidays
Amber Rigby Grosjean