Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Annoucement!

Happy New Year, everyone! As the year begins, I have a little news to share. My cover is almost finished. I've seen it and it looks nice! There's just a little more to do on the cover and then I will be sharing it with everyone on here and my website!

My newsletter has been emailed out. If you missed it, you can still get a peak on my website, on the downloads page. You don't have to download it to read it, just select open when it asks.

I hope you enjoy this new year! Anyone have any resolutions you'd like to share? Mine are to write more often and get another book published for this year! I also would love to sell a lot of copies of Peterson Estate. That way, the second book can come out!!!!

Happy New Year!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

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