Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome to my New Look

Well, after long thought, I decided to keep this blog after all lol. I will be joining this one with the new one to allow more information to be passed along the net. On the second blog is a list of books I've read along with new projects that I'm working on. And of course, I made the two sites look the same (almost).

I really would hate to lose the followers that I have established on this blog which is what drove me to keep it. I love you guys (and gals lol).

I am still changing my pen name though. That is, with the next published book lol. I am still Amber Rigby Grosjean, I'm just shorting the name to A. R. Grosjean. Kind of like Kentucky Friend Chicken changing their name to KFC. They were still the same company, just a shorter name lol.

I never got around to sending out my newsletter last year like I had wanted. Things got in the way--lost the laptop, couldn't afford a new one and couldn't get the information transferred to a library computer along with the software that I used to make it (the pdf file information). So now I have a laptop again and hopefully with God willing, I will begin the newsletters once more. I'm starting this month but it may be November before they actually go out. Keep your fingers crossed please.

The subscription is open. Please use the same box on the right to subscribe or you can just email me at

I want to thank everyone!

A.R. Grosjean

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