Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This Month's Author, Doctor Rosaleen O'Brien

Doctor Rosaleen O’Brian is the author of “A Tribute to Trooper Patrick Rogers; A collection of prose and poetry”, “A collection of poetry books, and “Rosaleen’s Diary”, Church Abuse, Drugs and Ect” plus many more.
  Her website…..

  The most difficult book she wrote was “Rosaleen’s Diary” in which she didn’t say why. The easiest book she wrote was “Marilyn Munroe and her Growler Bear” because it told the story through her teddy bear’s eyes. She was less than 14 years old when she began writing.
  She inspired herself to write. They couldn’t afford ink when she was younger to do her homework so she climbed a tree to pick elderberries and crushed them to make ink.
  Writing for her is therepy and stops the flashbacks from the drug trials. This is her motivation.
  At the time of this interview, she was working on a new book.  It was a romantic book about a Catholic Priest torn between the vows he made and the love of Lynda.
  One of her challenges as a person involved a homeless gentleman who was turned away by his family doctor and local hospital who wanted to amputate. He was advised that he would not survive and he resisted amputation. She treated this man.
  “The Royal Jewels” is Rosaleen's favorite book. She said, “Such a vast amount of Diamonds and the history behind them is awesome.”

What would you [Rosaleen] like to tell other writers new to this business? “My books are written with a deep insight and are fun to read although Some readers may laugh and at times shed a tear and at times feel a little scared..My trip in my books takes you places that you probably have never been…”

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