Monday, September 24, 2018

This is what I've been up to....Update

As you may know, I am a new grandma. She's almost 2 now and I've been sharing a lot of pictures on Facebook. My husband thinks I'm over doing it but I'm a proud grandma and that's what they do. Right? So here's a quick update of what the last few weeks has been like...…….. No, I haven't been writing lol.

For one, I've been crocheting. This is the first bear I ever made and I have to say, I actually did a good job for not having a pattern to follow. My youngest daughter picked out the yarn for this bear and I love the colors. I just hope my little grand daughter loves this bear as much as she loves the blanket I made for her. This is her birthday gift in October. Can't wait for her to open this gift.

Last night, I didn't put her to sleep so she crawled up into the chair and put herself to sleep. My daughter woke me up to come see her when she noticed her daughter sleeping in the chair. I rushed to see and took this picture. She's holding the blanket in her arms. She can't lift her because she's pregnant and the doctor said no lifting so I scooped her up and placed her in her own bed. She didn't even stir. This little girl was tired.


Snack time with our grand daughter. And she's loving it. Just like her mommy at that age, she's feeding us. It took me back to some good days when I was just starting out as a mommy. It was a beautiful moment that I'm glad I didn't have to miss.

Helping my daughter around the house, I was able to capture more moments with this little girl. She loves helping. And this is what I've been up to. Chasing, loving, and bonding with an almost two year old who has already gone into the terrible two stage lol. But its been worth it being able to share in those moments.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Calling All Writers, Poets, and Publishers.....

I'm at it again lol. I need to open the invite for all writers and publishers to be included in my newsletters. The format has changed because I no longer do the PDF form in my emails. The one I was using is no longer available through Microsoft which totally sucked because I liked it. No sense in updating something that worked but they decided to no longer support the version I had. Word still works so I'm still using it lol.

Anyway, for the interview to be included in the newsletter I send out monthly, please go here.....
Click here for Interview Questions

Link for original blog posting

If you don't want to follow the link above, let me go into my newsletter information....

First of all, it is a free feature. I will never charge for my newsletters and I will never charge for the interviews. Its hard enough to market ourselves and our books. Making something free just takes out the hassle and heartache.

Second, each newsletter comes out on the first of every month. My issues consist of different sections including "Writing" where I share tips and information about writing, "Something to Think About" where I discuss something to get you to think and possibly respond to, "Positives" where I give positive feedback to raise your spirits, and more. Sometimes, I share updates and at the end of the issue, I share my final word where I just babble about things depending on what's going on in my life at the time. My issues are directly through my email.

Besides adding you to my newsletter, I will also be adding your information to my fan page on Facebook and on here. That gives you more exposure which is something every author wants. The more eyes seeing you, the better chances you have for someone buying one or more of your books which is a good thing.

So if you're interested (even if I've shared your work before), please send me an email or simply fill out the questionnaire linked at the top of the page. I also have the link in the tab section at the top of the page. If you email me, include your Pen Name, Title(s), any links you may have for you and your books, your bio, and pictures that you'd like displayed with the information. At least one but two or three is better. Use your most recent book(s) if there are more than one and list the rest with genres of each title. Any other information you want shared, please include that.

Thank you very much and I'm looking forward to your emails


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Peterson Estate Series is born...

This is the first book to a series I've written. It is available through Amazon and its outlets in paperback or e-book. 

The ISBN# for Peterson Estate: Birth of A Witch is 1722445475 It is 9.95 for the paperback and 2.99 for the e-book.

The second book Peterson Estate 2: A New Beginning is in the process of being published now and will be available shortly. Probably as early as next week maybe even sooner, depending how quickly the process goes through. Here's that cover...….

Summary of the Series....

Emily Peterson is the Great Witch, her birth was foretold centuries before she was born. She is the most powerful witch in the world, or will be once she evolves into the Great Witch. Right now, she's just a normal powerful witch who has abilities she shouldn't have yet. She didn't even know she was a witch or came from a family of witches until her aunt dies leaving a castle to her. The castle wasn't meant to be, its evil is trying to escape the walls. If that wasn't enough, the castle was built above land that was evil and contains the gates of Hell. Her blood could open those gates and she must stop an evil witch and her partner from opening those gates. All while protecting her family and the people of Goodview, Pennsylvania. Eventually, the world.

As each book is introduced, Emily has obstacles she must conquer while she is transforming into the witch she was destined to be. I love twists and this series is loaded with them. From an infant who can read medical books, down to...……..not telling you lol. You've got to read the books to see my twists lol. You'll love them!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Update: July 2018

Here's my newest update. Sorry, its been so long since I said anything, been really busy...…

First of all, in June, my husband had a stroke. He is still recovering but he is okay now. I almost lost him so I've been staying close to him keeping an eye just to make sure he's okay. I was so worried there for a little while. He's back to his normal routine now but I still like keeping my guard up just in case.

Second, my newest two books have been released. Mother of the Dragons is still available. And I re-published my favorite book, Peterson Estate. And just in time too, the original book is now unavailable for purchase. It was always intended to be a series so I have published it as the series Emily had always wanted from me. Yes, she's the main character but she's so much a part of me that I sometimes feel like she's real. She comes to me in my dreams and tells me things lol.

So book 1 is now available on Amazon. It is the same book as the one I had before so if you haven't read it yet, you can now purchase with it the new cover, shown above. It is called Peterson Estate Birth of A Witch. The second book in the series will be coming out soon and I am hard at work writing the third book in the series. As of this posting, I just finished Chapter 5 with 12K words.

I don't think Cursed Blood is available anymore, the price on the book seems a little high so I will be re-publishing it as well. I'm just trying to get Peterson Estate a good head start on the series before I get to it. Plus I need to make a new cover for it lol. That does take time. I also have a couple books in the works that need polishing and their covers need to be finished so there is a lot on my plate that need to get done

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hello, hello, hello!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Gotta love cell phones

This picture I took on the same day. He got me into playing around with the camera. Of course, I already knew about the feature because whenever I get a new phone, I always play around with it so I can learn what the phone does. 

Its amazing what cell phones can do now days. I remember when they first came out. The flip phones which are still around, were such a pain. I hated texting because you had to punch the key for the letter, sometimes two or three times depending on which letter you wanted. Then came the slider phones which were nice because they had a full keyboard but they were really small buttons so texting was still a chore. And then I discovered a smart phone. Everything on one screen. Select what you want and go from there. And you can add apps which can get a little crazy.

Looking around, it seems everyone has a smart phone now. Some people are going nuts with them. Walking into things, getting hurt; all because they can't take their eyes off the screens. Selfies are being taken everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. I saw girls taking selfies in the bathroom. I mean, come on. How weird is that? As if people need to see a toilet stall in the background. You can edit your pictures but people don't. So instead of cropping out the toilet, they leave it in there hoping people won't notice the dirty toilet behind you. Yeah, not all bathrooms have stall doors lol especially if its one of those one person bathrooms.

But to make it fair, smart phones do come in handy. The built in GPS with maps help you find your way in a new city. I've used it many times. You can get the weather app so you can be sure its going to be a nice day or to avoid the bad weather. There's great apps that help keep you busy so you're not bored while waiting to see the doctor or whatever appointment you're waiting for. And the games are addictive lol. Believe me, I know. There's apps to help you grow; cooking, writing, etc. Checking emails don't require computers now. Its great. But people live in their cell phones now. Instead of visiting with people in the room, everyone is on their own cell phone. Texting or playing with whatever app is on the phone. 

Our technology as evolved. With that, some people have gotten dumb over the years. Sorry to say it but its true. I did say some, not all.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Welcome to My World

Okay, so I don't really know why I came up with that title lol. But here ya go, welcome to my world lol. Some updates. I have made some changes on Facebook. I dropped my account and new a whole new one. I needed something fresh. A new start. I had that other account for a very long time and it was holding a lot of baggage, I guess you can call it. With that being changed, I had to create a new page for my author page. I changed the link at the right so it will take you to the new page.

I am also working on a new book. A Non-fiction. Those always take a while to be written to you will have to bare with me on it. It is my story. My true story about the life I've had so far. My autobiography. Yeah, I'm not dead but might as well write it while I'm alive so the story is told completely. Other people can't do these types of books justice. Yeah, they get the facts but there's no feeling behind the story. You don't know what's inside someone's head when someone else writes it. And if no one ever reads it, at least I can get it out and maybe begin to finally heal. I hope that happens. I've lived a bad life, a very sad life filled with pain and people who said they loved me who used me and lied to me all my life. Its going to stop. I'm taking control of my life. It is my life after all.

And so I've found myself escaping into other worlds again, hiding away from the problems of my world. Its never ending. One day, I'll be truly free of my mistakes and hardships. Its not today, maybe not even tomorrow. But someday. Until then, I will keep on working at it and hope I can still have a good life. A happy life. That's all anyone really wants--to be happy. Right? I'll get there. After all, dreams really do come true. That's my ultimate dream--to be truly happy.

Until next time, see you later

AR. Grosjean