Here's my newest update. Sorry, its been so long since I said anything, been really busy...…
First of all, in June, my husband had a stroke. He is still recovering but he is okay now. I almost lost him so I've been staying close to him keeping an eye just to make sure he's okay. I was so worried there for a little while. He's back to his normal routine now but I still like keeping my guard up just in case.
Second, my newest two books have been released. Mother of the Dragons is still available. And I re-published my favorite book, Peterson Estate. And just in time too, the original book is now unavailable for purchase. It was always intended to be a series so I have published it as the series Emily had always wanted from me. Yes, she's the main character but she's so much a part of me that I sometimes feel like she's real. She comes to me in my dreams and tells me things lol.
So book 1 is now available on Amazon. It is the same book as the one I had before so if you haven't read it yet, you can now purchase with it the new cover, shown above. It is called Peterson Estate Birth of A Witch. The second book in the series will be coming out soon and I am hard at work writing the third book in the series. As of this posting, I just finished Chapter 5 with 12K words.
I don't think Cursed Blood is available anymore, the price on the book seems a little high so I will be re-publishing it as well. I'm just trying to get Peterson Estate a good head start on the series before I get to it. Plus I need to make a new cover for it lol. That does take time. I also have a couple books in the works that need polishing and their covers need to be finished so there is a lot on my plate that need to get done
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