Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter

I just wanted to take a quick moment out of my busy day and wish everyone a very Happy Easter! Please take some time out of your own busy day and remember what this day means. I'm not a real religous person but I do have the Lord in my heart so this is a good day for me. He has risen!

On other news, Cursed Blood is still selling. If you haven't read it yet, please check it out. If you need to read an excerpt first you may read it on my website at or you can look on google for more (read from the actual pages!). Stolen Identity has been selling since the day it was released. Remember, it is only for adults. Please no one under the age of 18 for this book.

Well, I have a book to go write so I will catch you all later! Happy Easter and enjoy the weekend!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

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