Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cold, Cold Weather

The weather man says we're below our normal for this time of year and I tend to agree. Today it was cooold. I'm not ready for this lol. I have been getting a few things here and there for winter, but I'm not happy with my wardrobe yet. I hate cold weather, with a passion. It's bad enough that I get cold easily lol, now the weather is changing and I'm cold all the time.
You know my feet are so cold that I can actually cool a can of pop, and that's during the summer lol. Seriously, they are that cold. I guess I just have thin blood. If my top half is warm, I'm usually good. So I layer it on when I can. I keep socks on, unless I'm taking a shower or changing them and the shoes stay on most of the day as well. That usuaslly helps lol. Then I have my normal clothing which consists of jeans and my shirt plus a sweater over that (you know the button down kind or one with a zipper lol). And if I'm still cold, I have a small blanket handy to wrap around my body. I've been seen going outside with that blanket wrapped around me like a dress lol. Yeah, I've done that a time or two. Hey if it keeps you warm, why not lol.
Ok, hopefully this cold weather now doesn't mean a really bad cold winter. We had a cool summer this year already so I really don't want to have more cold, freezing, days this winter. If we do, I need more clothes lol. I need some thicker clothes lol. Ok, enough complaining about the weather. I hope you're where its warm, people. All nestled inside keeping cozy! Or its summer in your parts of the woods lol.
See you all again soon!
Amber Rigby Grosjean

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