Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April's Updates

All 3 of these books are available on Amazon now. It is official. If you read the first book, you'll have to keep going because the story doesn't end with the first book, it continues on with more twists, mysteries, adventures, and battles between good and evil. Just when you think, I couldn't possibly have more--there is. I'm that kind of writer lol. And I love it. You've got the main plot where Emily is trying to keep the gates out of the hands of the evil magical people (warlocks and witches) and then each chapter has its own smaller plot that ties into the main plot.

When I first started writing this series at the age of 12, there wasn't a main plot and each chapter could have held its own but I was able to learn from other writers who showed me a new path. It was also written in first person back then because it put me directly into the story. I learned I didn't need to write in first person to be inside the story so I changed it to second person and it seemed to work better. So now I need to finish up Spawn of the Curse, and then begin writing a new story. Can't wait to share it!!!!


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