Monday, June 24, 2019

Busy, busy......

I have been keeping myself busy working on my book, Peterson Estate 4: The Great War. I'm reaching the end and hit the twist of all twists. I'm so excited. The level of Emily's powers is explained (the reasoning, which took me by surprise--even I didn't know lol). I've tried writing on a plan but it doesn't work for me. I like surprises and learning what's going to happen just as a reader would is so cool. That's what keeps me writing, the suspense of it. I know I'm not the only author who writes in this manner so it's cool. I reached a word count to 47K so I'm getting closer to my goal. Almost there!!!!

On another note, I'm still working on getting the audio ready for Mother of the Dragons. There was an issue with it so the person who is narrating it for ACX had to do a few touch ups. We both want it to be as perfect as it can go. I do know it will be just over 5 hours long. I listened to parts of it and it is so awesome!!!!! I couldn't be more excited about this process. I want to create more audios but will wait to see how this book does first. No, I will not be a one-hit wonder. I plan on reaching out to as many fans as I possibly can. One reader at a time, is all I can do. Of course, if someone shares my work with another reader, that's great!!! I just want to be read! I think all writers do, in one way or another.

On a personal side, I learned that my family is growing. Another daughter is pregnant, just past the 6 weeks mark so I'll be planning for that. I crochet baby blankets for them once I know the gender so I'll be staying busy for a while lol. And that's okay with me because I like being busy. So when I'm not creating words in a story, I'll be creating blankets. The life of a writer who happens to be a grandma! I love it!!! And my grand children will be spoiled!!! Not every grand child in the world can say their grandma is an author. I love that. It is soooo cool. It gives me even more reason to keep writing and following my dreams. The next dream is seeing my books on the screen whether its on the big screen or a normal television screen. Either way, it would be so magical to see my characters come to life in that way. I think all writers have that dream. So in that sense, I am like other writers but I think it ends there lol. But you can be the judge yourself. If you do read any of my books, please leave a review. You should do that for all the books you read. It helps support the author which is always a good thing.

So that's it for now. I will be seeing you again soon!!!!

A.R. Grosjean

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