Sunday, August 11, 2019

Run Down on Events

I have been busy posting up a storm on Facebook and Instagram. Life is a little more simple since they are linked so I can post on Instagram and the same posting will appear on my Facebook author page. You are more than welcome to follow either accounts so see what I've been sharing about my life as a writer and behind the scenes as a normal person (wife, mother, and grandmother).


Here is the schedule for those posts.......

Monday is family day
Tuesday/Thursday alternating is passion and hobby days
Wednesday is book day
Friday is "Life of an Author" day

Each post, I will share something about myself. Mid-week is all about my books (past, present, or future).

Some of my posts will be shared on my wall as well as other things like reviews I've had for my books and more. Of course, there will be much more on the author page and my newsletters. My author page is open to the public so if you just want to go in and take a look around, you are more than welcome to. If you like what you see, click on the like button or recommend it if you'd like for your friends. I'm always happy to see new reviews if you really like the page.

Thank you very much!!!!!

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