Saturday, June 21, 2008

Inspiration and Support

I have been a very lucky person. I was able to find someone who brings inspiration to me everyday of my life for the rest of my life. This same person also gives me 100% support. Yes, I am talking about my wonderful husband. Tomorrow will be 12 years of married bliss!

We didn't have everyday bliss. There were days when we had an arguement over something stupid (don't all marriages have those lol) and there were days when nothing could go right. We have come a long way in our marriage. We have overcome homelessness, friends who have stabbed us in the back, weather disasters, personal problems, and more yet we have bounced back every single time, together.

We have seen those brighter days where we can't seem to get any happier, then one day comes along and we do get happier! We have a blessed relationship and I wanted to share that with all of you. This weekend, I will not talk about my writing here. This is an annaversary break from that lol! I just wanted to share my happiness with my fans and friends!

12 years is a long time to be married to one person. How about being married for 50 or 75? We have friends who made it that far! They don't know how lucky they are getting to those annaversaries! So, I would like to thank those people for inspiring us to deal with each other on those bad days and living in wonderland on the good ones. For those who have problems with their spouses, look to each other and smile. Now talk. It takes only one person to make a relationship bad but it takes both to make it good. Remember, you love each other. Take it from there!

Amber Rigby Grosjean

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