Friday, July 26, 2019

The Dead Life

I have officially begun the next book which will be released in 2020. I will spend the rest of this year working on this book, taking my time to get the story just right because it will be different from all the books I've written before. That means I have to pay attention to what I'm doing lol. I can do that, that's not a problem. I always pay attention lol. I've decided to create working covers and would like a vote from you, my loyal fans. Whoever you may be (I love you!).

The final work will be close to what these covers look like. Placement of the picture and font will be different. This is just an idea. I'm still struggling to choose the genre of this story because it doesn't fit into the ones I have written before. This is not a romance. Fantasy maybe but it's more than that so I'm working on that lol. I'll be handing it over to my beta readers so it will be determined later. Sometimes, writers need help. I'm by far, no where near perfect and I'm still learning which means you will benefit from it lol. Each book will be a little better than the one before it!

So that's it for now. Just wanted to give you a little heads up. Please comment your opinion below. Thank you!!!!

A.R. Grosjean

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