Friday, November 1, 2019

Update in the Writing Realm........

First of all, I have officially finished the first round of edits for this book. I am so excited about that. Now I can take a little break and then get started on the next round! That's the round that really matters, where I really add some pizazz to the story and bring it home. Once that round is finished, I will polish the story and make sure I've fixed the errors from the previous rounds like spelling errors and the like.

I just want this story to be the best so far. And it is my first suspense on the list of genres that I've published so it's got to bring a bang.

This wonderful book is also finished and being put together by ACX so it can be purchased in audio format! Due to the holidays, this process is taking a little longer than I originally thought it would but at least it's done. I'm just waiting for them so I can get the price. I've always hated to wait but it is the one thing I have to do lol.

Liliana is new to narrating but I couldn't tell, listening to her. She has a sweet voice and she did such a great job bringing this story to life. I had so much fun working with her. She's more patient than I am, that's for sure! We have begun on narrating the sequel to this book, you know the one with the green cover. She will be narrating that one too. It will be released next year, around Feb, I think. That's the goal so if this book is enjoyed it makes sense to follow Diana's journey with the next book! There's only two in this set.

I have recorded 3 episodes now and I'm beginning to get the hang of having a podcast. It's so much fun too. Hearing my voice and not stuttering so much is a good sign that I'm actually improving. And that's a big deal. I honestly believe by next year, I will be ready to narrate my own book which will be The Dead Life! So that's something to look forward to. I want to be able to add emotion to that story and the best way to do that is by doing it myself. I think I have it in me to give this story that personal touch I really want.

I have been learning and I learned how to work the settings so my next episode isn't going to be so loud lol. I do have a volume problem with my voice so I'm trying to learn how to control that a little better.

So a run-down on the episodes so far. 1 is my introduction, 2 is Fantasy Portal and 3 is Romance Portal. See a pattern forming. I love portals because you can go from point A to point B in seconds just like Peterson Estate which has always been my favorite story. I've put more of myself into that story than all the others so it does hit home a little more for me.

So that's it for now. I hope everyone had great Halloween and was safe. Thanksgiving is slowly approaching. This month, I'm posting what I'm thankful for on Instagram and Facebook (my author page) so that's exciting! See you all there!!!

--A.R. Grosjean

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