Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hello, hello.......Hello

Hello, world of the Internet lol. It is me again lol. Just wanted to come by and bring some updates your way. I've been introduced to a few new websites and have been working with them. One is a site where you can take your book, or even part of it, and share it with others for free. And it's free to use which is totally awesome. Of course, you can pay into the site and get more features which is also nice for those who can invest. It is called Prolific Works. It is designed for free ebooks. I only have one book on there at the moment so I am testing that out. Guess we'll see how it goes. If it does well, then I could possibly include a few more books. It is suppose to help put the word out on books. I'm testing that to see if it's worth it.

I've been working hard at getting the Dead Life edited. So far the book is short but I'm not so worried about the length as long as the story is good, better than good--great. If you love a story, it shouldn't matter if it's short or long because when you reach the end, you're not going to want to leave the story behind at any length lol. Not every book has to be long and I'm fine with that.

Once this story is officially finished, I will begin perfecting the cover. I've learned a few things and wanted to give that a try. Then I will take a short break from writing and begin the next book. I try to take a few days between books when possible to get my head back on straight lol. Sometimes my mind doesn't let me do that lol.

Another update, I will be trying to work on Podcasts. That should be fun. The only thing I have so far is the Podcast Name and I'm thinking Fiction Writing and the World of Imagination. What do you think?

So that's it for now. I will see you next time, hopefully with more news on the Podcast. I've got a few other people I want to run that by as well so we'll see how it goes. So I will see you around, hopefully!

Thank you!!!

A.R. Grosjean

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