Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Dead Life Excerpt.....Upcoming book for 2020

This is not the official cover for this book but it will look similar

I just wanted to share part of my next book, still in the editing process. There will be some changes done to what you're reading here but it does give you an idea of where this story will take you. Could you imagine getting a call like this? Hearing those devastating words, your child has been in an accident? I wouldn't want to hear them either. But Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds did and this story about their daughter's fight to survive! I don't think anyone really knows what a person experiences while in a coma but this is my thought. If you've had your own experience, I'd love to hear it. Thank you!!

Mr. Reynolds rushed to the phone as it reached its fourth ring. He grabbed the receiver from the wall-attached phone and answered, not expecting any particular person. “Hello.” His voice was calm, deep, and southern. He was a hard working farmer who never took a day off in his life. He was proud, took care of his family, and hadn’t a single enemy except for a few varmints living in the corn fields. He had rough hands to prove it. He started his family late in his life but he had no regrets. He held the phone against his ear as he pulled up his pants. He was beginning to lose a little weight and they were loose on him.
“Mr. Reynolds?” The voice wasn’t familiar.
“Yes, that’s me. What can I do you for?”
The voice on the other end of the line was very anxious with news any parent would dread. His only child was in an accident and she was unconscious.  She had found this phone number in her wallet in case of emergency. It was Mr. Reynolds’ idea and he was now glad he had told her to do that.
Mr. Reynolds’ voice shook as his hand began to tremble. Katy Lynne was his only child, how could this be happening to her? He glanced at his wife as she washed the dishes. She heard his voice and grabbed the towel, rushing to his side.
“What’s happening?” she cried out. She knew something was wrong but didn’t know what.
He wouldn’t answer as he listened to the woman’s terrible details. 
Mrs. Reynolds was a robust woman, in her fifties, and proud to be a farmer’s wife. She always kept her hair tied up in a bun to keep it out of her way when doing her own chores. A strand of hair always seemed to fall in all the right places. She pulled one strand back behind her ear as she grabbed the phone from his hand. “Who is this? Johnny, are you foolin’ around?” She listened to the woman’s news.  “We’ll be right there. Honey, go start the car. I’ll get directions.” She grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote everything down as he rushed out the door. She could hear the car’s engine as she scribbled everything down. It was late but it didn’t matter to her, she had to go see her baby.
Grouner Town was a few hours away but Mr. Reynolds shaved most of the time off by speeding. The old country roads were deserted at this hour. They passed the intersection where three cars were blocking the road and Mrs. Reynolds feared the worst. The sheriff let them pass, giving them directions to the town’s hospital. Her heart wouldn’t stop racing. And his hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
“Please, let her be all right,” she prayed repeatedly as the car sprinted down the street.
Mr. Reynolds parked the car, leaving the engine on as they both rushed inside.
“Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, your daughter is in surgery now. You may wait here.”
“Is she going to be all right?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
“I’m afraid this is serious. I will keep you informed. Please, if you would have a seat.”
A young woman paced the floor in the waiting room as the parents entered. She was wearing a bandage on her right shoulder and her arm was in a sling.
“Oh, my God, Stacey,” Mrs. Reynolds cried out and ran over to her daughter’s friend.
“I’m all right, Mrs. Reynolds. The bullet went straight through. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes were swollen and red from crying. Stacey’s mother was sitting down in the corner, speaking to someone over the phone.
“What happened?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
“We were on our way home from the university,” Stacey began to say. She turned and looked at Mr. Reynolds. “Sir, my dad is at the check-in station. He gave them as much information as he could but I think you’ll need to give them more.”
“Thank you, Stacey. I’ll be right back.” Mr. Reynolds left the room.
Stacey continued to tell Mrs. Reynolds the horrible ordeal that had occurred earlier in the evening. “The accident had already happened and we stopped to see what was going on. We didn’t know there was a man with a gun. He seemed so upset and he started firing at us.” Even though it had happened hours before, her voice was still shaking. She sat down to collect herself.
Mrs. Reynolds sat down next to her and held her. She looked over at Stacey’s mother, still on the phone. Her voice echoed in the empty waiting room.
The hospital was old and small but it served its purpose, housing the sick and dying. The small number of staff could be heard in the hallway, running here and there tending to the patients. Their footsteps echoed in the hall.
The waiting dragged on through morning. As the birds sang outside the window, a doctor walked into the room with both fathers.
Mrs. Reynolds stood up.
“Katy Lynne is out of surgery and she is in the recovery room.”
“How is she?” Mrs. Reynolds asked. Her voice was anxious and shaky.
“The bullet made a clean shot through the Occipital Lobe. Luckily it missed both the Basal Ganglia and the Cerebellum. We were able to remove the bullet but there was damage to her brain. We can’t be sure how extensive the damage is until she wakes up—if she wakes up.”
“What do you mean if she wakes up?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
“She’s in a coma.”

This story is in it's first round of edits. It is far from being finished. I plan on releasing this story in 2020 so I've been working on it, fixing areas that need more. I plan on doing another couple rounds of edits before finishing up the technical errors likes spelling and grammar. At that point, I will be making the cover for it but it will look similar to the one at the top of the page. I had two other choices but this cover was the one selected by my peers as the better choice. I can't wait to have it finished and share the full story with my readers!!!

A.R. Grosjean

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