Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Christmas Eve's Adam
Now on to business lol. I am still hard at work with The Dead Life. It is coming along. This has been the hardest book to edit, let me tell you. It seems like it doesn't want to be smooth for me, giving me challenge after challenge but whether it likes it or not, I will conquer this story and have it ready for your eyes and mind. Hopefully by March 2020. Once it is finished and ready to go, it will be released. Then I can begin writing Peterson Estate 5: Hellbound. That book is really going to be a challenge, not like the Dead Life. Before, all the books took place in Emily's castle (or the hotel depending on which book it was lol) but this one takes place somewhere else entirely. And it's surrounded by more evil than Emily ever encountered before. But she's got something on her side that she didn't have before............not going to share that because it would ruin it lol. Can't be giving up everything, you just have to read the series to find out the rest lol.
So once that book is finished (the series writes itself, I swear) I will begin editing that book then begin writing the first book to the Identity collection, and keep going. The first book to the Identity collection is Stolen which is a rewrite but in this new version there will be a new beginning and all the sex scenes will be removed with new "clean" scenes. This book can be read by young adults as well. I can't say there won't be any bad language lol. That can't be helped in some books.
So that's my plan for 2020. Other plans that have not been mentioned here will be shared through Instagram and Facebook so if you don't follow me there please do so. I am trying to be an open book to some extent. Some things must remain a mystery lol. That way you can be surprised and I so love surprises, don't you? That's why I love twists. They come out of no where and always seem to make sense when done correctly, at least to me. And you can't forget about my newsletters. I also share things there that can't be found anywhere else. So subscribe if you can. If you can't, send me an email to a.r.grosjean@hotmail.com and let me know you want a copy sent to your inbox on the first. I'll get you added right away.
So Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year!!!!
Friday, November 1, 2019
Update in the Writing Realm........
First of all, I have officially finished the first round of edits for this book. I am so excited about that. Now I can take a little break and then get started on the next round! That's the round that really matters, where I really add some pizazz to the story and bring it home. Once that round is finished, I will polish the story and make sure I've fixed the errors from the previous rounds like spelling errors and the like.
I just want this story to be the best so far. And it is my first suspense on the list of genres that I've published so it's got to bring a bang.
This wonderful book is also finished and being put together by ACX so it can be purchased in audio format! Due to the holidays, this process is taking a little longer than I originally thought it would but at least it's done. I'm just waiting for them so I can get the price. I've always hated to wait but it is the one thing I have to do lol.
Liliana is new to narrating but I couldn't tell, listening to her. She has a sweet voice and she did such a great job bringing this story to life. I had so much fun working with her. She's more patient than I am, that's for sure! We have begun on narrating the sequel to this book, you know the one with the green cover. She will be narrating that one too. It will be released next year, around Feb, I think. That's the goal so if this book is enjoyed it makes sense to follow Diana's journey with the next book! There's only two in this set.
I have recorded 3 episodes now and I'm beginning to get the hang of having a podcast. It's so much fun too. Hearing my voice and not stuttering so much is a good sign that I'm actually improving. And that's a big deal. I honestly believe by next year, I will be ready to narrate my own book which will be The Dead Life! So that's something to look forward to. I want to be able to add emotion to that story and the best way to do that is by doing it myself. I think I have it in me to give this story that personal touch I really want.
I have been learning and I learned how to work the settings so my next episode isn't going to be so loud lol. I do have a volume problem with my voice so I'm trying to learn how to control that a little better.
So a run-down on the episodes so far. 1 is my introduction, 2 is Fantasy Portal and 3 is Romance Portal. See a pattern forming. I love portals because you can go from point A to point B in seconds just like Peterson Estate which has always been my favorite story. I've put more of myself into that story than all the others so it does hit home a little more for me.
So that's it for now. I hope everyone had great Halloween and was safe. Thanksgiving is slowly approaching. This month, I'm posting what I'm thankful for on Instagram and Facebook (my author page) so that's exciting! See you all there!!!
--A.R. Grosjean
I just want this story to be the best so far. And it is my first suspense on the list of genres that I've published so it's got to bring a bang.
This wonderful book is also finished and being put together by ACX so it can be purchased in audio format! Due to the holidays, this process is taking a little longer than I originally thought it would but at least it's done. I'm just waiting for them so I can get the price. I've always hated to wait but it is the one thing I have to do lol.
Liliana is new to narrating but I couldn't tell, listening to her. She has a sweet voice and she did such a great job bringing this story to life. I had so much fun working with her. She's more patient than I am, that's for sure! We have begun on narrating the sequel to this book, you know the one with the green cover. She will be narrating that one too. It will be released next year, around Feb, I think. That's the goal so if this book is enjoyed it makes sense to follow Diana's journey with the next book! There's only two in this set.
I have recorded 3 episodes now and I'm beginning to get the hang of having a podcast. It's so much fun too. Hearing my voice and not stuttering so much is a good sign that I'm actually improving. And that's a big deal. I honestly believe by next year, I will be ready to narrate my own book which will be The Dead Life! So that's something to look forward to. I want to be able to add emotion to that story and the best way to do that is by doing it myself. I think I have it in me to give this story that personal touch I really want.
I have been learning and I learned how to work the settings so my next episode isn't going to be so loud lol. I do have a volume problem with my voice so I'm trying to learn how to control that a little better.
So a run-down on the episodes so far. 1 is my introduction, 2 is Fantasy Portal and 3 is Romance Portal. See a pattern forming. I love portals because you can go from point A to point B in seconds just like Peterson Estate which has always been my favorite story. I've put more of myself into that story than all the others so it does hit home a little more for me.
So that's it for now. I hope everyone had great Halloween and was safe. Thanksgiving is slowly approaching. This month, I'm posting what I'm thankful for on Instagram and Facebook (my author page) so that's exciting! See you all there!!!
--A.R. Grosjean
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Fiction Writing and The World of Imagination Podcast!
There is a new podcast in the Internet world! And it's all mine lol. I am new to this and am willing to give it a try. Come check out this bi-weekly show, starting with a short episode to introduce who I am and where I came from!
Above are the two places where you can find the podcast. They are also recorded as MP3 so if you're wanting something to keep, just send me an email at a.r.grosjean@hotmail.com and I will send you a copy. As each podcast is recorded, I will bring something new and a little insight to my writing, where my ideas come from and how the journey from that idea is born into a book.
Imagination is the key ingredient to my writing so I will share that concept as well in more than just one genre including Fantasy which is the biggest genre that I write. Of course, I can't tell you everything that will be included with each episode, you'll have to come listen for that lol. And I'm always open to suggestions, answering questions will be something to include in the future, so I will be depending on your comments and ideas in the future. So please come on over and take a listen!
Thank you and as always remember, dreams do come true!!!! Please, don't ever give up!
A.R. Grosjean
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Dead Life Excerpt.....Upcoming book for 2020
This is not the official cover for this book but it will look similar
I just wanted to share part of my next book, still in the editing process. There will be some changes done to what you're reading here but it does give you an idea of where this story will take you. Could you imagine getting a call like this? Hearing those devastating words, your child has been in an accident? I wouldn't want to hear them either. But Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds did and this story about their daughter's fight to survive! I don't think anyone really knows what a person experiences while in a coma but this is my thought. If you've had your own experience, I'd love to hear it. Thank you!!
Mr. Reynolds rushed to the phone as it reached its fourth ring. He
grabbed the receiver from the wall-attached phone and answered, not expecting
any particular person. “Hello.” His voice was calm, deep, and southern. He was
a hard working farmer who never took a day off in his life. He was proud, took
care of his family, and hadn’t a single enemy except for a few varmints living
in the corn fields. He had rough hands to prove it. He started his family late
in his life but he had no regrets. He held the phone against his ear as he
pulled up his pants. He was beginning to lose a little weight and they were
loose on him.
“Mr. Reynolds?” The voice wasn’t familiar.
“Yes, that’s me. What can I do you for?”
The voice on the other end of the line was very anxious with news any
parent would dread. His only child was in an accident and she was
unconscious. She had found this phone
number in her wallet in case of emergency. It was Mr. Reynolds’ idea and he was
now glad he had told her to do that.
Mr. Reynolds’ voice shook as his hand began to tremble. Katy Lynne was
his only child, how could this be happening to her? He glanced at his wife as
she washed the dishes. She heard his voice and grabbed the towel, rushing to
his side.
“What’s happening?” she cried out. She knew something was wrong but
didn’t know what.
He wouldn’t answer as he listened to the woman’s terrible details.
Mrs. Reynolds was a robust woman, in her fifties, and proud to be a
farmer’s wife. She always kept her hair tied up in a bun to keep it out of her
way when doing her own chores. A strand of hair always seemed to fall in all
the right places. She pulled one strand back behind her ear as she grabbed the
phone from his hand. “Who is this? Johnny, are you foolin’ around?” She
listened to the woman’s news. “We’ll be
right there. Honey, go start the car. I’ll get directions.” She grabbed a small
piece of paper and wrote everything down as he rushed out the door. She could
hear the car’s engine as she scribbled everything down. It was late but it
didn’t matter to her, she had to go see her baby.
Grouner Town was a few hours away but Mr. Reynolds shaved most of the
time off by speeding. The old country roads were deserted at this hour. They
passed the intersection where three cars were blocking the road and Mrs.
Reynolds feared the worst. The sheriff let them pass, giving them directions to
the town’s hospital. Her heart wouldn’t stop racing. And his hands wouldn’t
stop shaking.
“Please, let her be all right,” she prayed repeatedly as the car sprinted
down the street.
Mr. Reynolds parked the car, leaving the engine on as they both rushed
“Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, your daughter is in surgery now. You may wait
“Is she going to be all right?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
“I’m afraid this is serious. I will keep you informed. Please, if you
would have a seat.”
A young woman paced the floor in the waiting room as the parents entered.
She was wearing a bandage on her right shoulder and her arm was in a sling.
“Oh, my God, Stacey,” Mrs. Reynolds cried out and ran over to her
daughter’s friend.
“I’m all right, Mrs. Reynolds. The bullet went straight through. I’m so
sorry.” Her eyes were swollen and red from crying. Stacey’s mother was sitting
down in the corner, speaking to someone over the phone.
“What happened?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
“We were on our way home from the university,” Stacey began to say. She
turned and looked at Mr. Reynolds. “Sir, my dad is at the check-in station. He
gave them as much information as he could but I think you’ll need to give them
“Thank you, Stacey. I’ll be right back.” Mr. Reynolds left the room.
Stacey continued to tell Mrs. Reynolds the horrible ordeal that had
occurred earlier in the evening. “The accident had already happened and we stopped
to see what was going on. We didn’t know there was a man with a gun. He seemed
so upset and he started firing at us.” Even though it had happened hours
before, her voice was still shaking. She sat down to collect herself.
Mrs. Reynolds sat down next to her and held her. She looked over at
Stacey’s mother, still on the phone. Her voice echoed in the empty waiting
The hospital was old and small but it served its purpose, housing the
sick and dying. The small number of staff could be heard in the hallway,
running here and there tending to the patients. Their footsteps echoed in the
The waiting dragged on through morning. As the birds sang outside the
window, a doctor walked into the room with both fathers.
Mrs. Reynolds stood up.
“Katy Lynne is out of surgery and she is in the recovery room.”
“How is she?” Mrs. Reynolds asked. Her voice was anxious and shaky.
“The bullet made a clean shot through the Occipital Lobe. Luckily it
missed both the Basal Ganglia and the Cerebellum. We were able to remove the
bullet but there was damage to her brain. We can’t be sure how extensive the
damage is until she wakes up—if she wakes up.”
“What do you mean if she wakes up?” Mrs. Reynolds asked.
in a coma.”Monday, September 23, 2019
Needed a laugh or two......
I have discovered a new website (well for me anyway lol) and I'm loving it lol. The picture on the right (above) is the original. I was able to cut out the background and give it another one. My husband is always being silly, makes me laugh all the time which I need so when he did this, I just had to bust out laughing.
Suffering from depression, having someone who can make me laugh is almost like medication. It really does help. He also inspires much of my writing! He's Jack in Cursed Blood (both versions). In the updated version (Cursed Blood: Bloodline Curse), I did put more of his personality into the character. It made it more real for me and I loved how it turned out. I don't normally add the comedy scenes to my books because I'm not good at writing those scenes but it felt more natural giving Jack a sense of humor. He needed it lol.
Anyway, the website is call Pixlr and it's amazing. No software, it's all done online!
Anyway, I'm taking a quick break right now (getting back to editing my book The Dead Life shortly) and just wanted to write in my blog. I had to share something lol. The editing process is going a little slow since I am so far ahead of schedule lol. This book is going to be a little different than the others because it will be a little smaller (height and width). The books before this one were all 9X6 and they look good on the shelf next to each other. It got me thinking, maybe they shouldn't be all the same size. It gives them more depth I think so my goal is to make the next one smaller. Maybe it would stand out a little on the shelf next to my other books. I'm still learning lol. The size will be determined by the length of the story which is still unknown since it is still being edited. I'm looking to be working on these edits through to next year so we'll just have to wait!!!!!
--A.R. Grosjean
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hello, hello.......Hello
I've been working hard at getting the Dead Life edited. So far the book is short but I'm not so worried about the length as long as the story is good, better than good--great. If you love a story, it shouldn't matter if it's short or long because when you reach the end, you're not going to want to leave the story behind at any length lol. Not every book has to be long and I'm fine with that.
Once this story is officially finished, I will begin perfecting the cover. I've learned a few things and wanted to give that a try. Then I will take a short break from writing and begin the next book. I try to take a few days between books when possible to get my head back on straight lol. Sometimes my mind doesn't let me do that lol.
Another update, I will be trying to work on Podcasts. That should be fun. The only thing I have so far is the Podcast Name and I'm thinking Fiction Writing and the World of Imagination. What do you think?
So that's it for now. I will see you next time, hopefully with more news on the Podcast. I've got a few other people I want to run that by as well so we'll see how it goes. So I will see you around, hopefully!
Thank you!!!
A.R. Grosjean
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Audio Book, Mother of the Dragons
Have you ever tried listening to a book as you worked on projects or jogged down the street? I've seen people do that in movies but never really met people who have. I do know that the way people can listen to "books on tape" has changed. Books are no longer on tape. You can easily download them to our phones and computers. It makes life so much easier. I've even done it. The freedom to listen to a story anytime, anywhere is truly awesome.
I'm not going to try to sell you anything, I try not to. I totally suck as a sales person lol. I would like to ask you to give audible a try though because it is really nice being able to hear a story. I remember telling stories when I was a kid. During a storm with the candles glowing in the background, stories tend to come to life. And then the lightning strikes and everyone jumps. I loved that part the most lol. I also enjoyed telling stories over a campfire. You know, when each person tells a part of the story and passes it on the next person. No one ever knows where the story will take you and it's so much fun. Listening to a story on "tape" can be just as fun. At least it is for me, especially when it's a book I wrote. Listening to the words I created in the order I wrote them down--there is truly nothing like it. And knowing that the narrator that you've chosen was the right one for that story is even better.
So, I do ask you this. Give Audible a chance and find that feeling of listening to a story as it unfolds right between your ears lol. At the bottom, I shared a link to my book. If you try audible, you can listen to my book for free. So there's no risk. If you like it, great. I have other books in paperback and e-book form you might like as well. Or you can try another audio book on their site. Even if it's not mine lol. If you don't like it, I truly am sorry. You can't know what you like until you give it a try. So please, give me a chance and listen to the words I created just for your entertainment. I don't think you'll regret it. Thank you so very much!!!!
Who knows, you just might find your next favorite author!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Run Down on Events
I have been busy posting up a storm on Facebook and Instagram. Life is a little more simple since they are linked so I can post on Instagram and the same posting will appear on my Facebook author page. You are more than welcome to follow either accounts so see what I've been sharing about my life as a writer and behind the scenes as a normal person (wife, mother, and grandmother).
Facebook: facebook.com/argrosjeanwriter
Instagram: instagram.com/a.r.grosjeanauthor
Here is the schedule for those posts.......
Monday is family day
Tuesday/Thursday alternating is passion and hobby days
Wednesday is book day
Friday is "Life of an Author" day
Each post, I will share something about myself. Mid-week is all about my books (past, present, or future).
Some of my posts will be shared on my wall as well as other things like reviews I've had for my books and more. Of course, there will be much more on the author page and my newsletters. My author page is open to the public so if you just want to go in and take a look around, you are more than welcome to. If you like what you see, click on the like button or recommend it if you'd like for your friends. I'm always happy to see new reviews if you really like the page.
Thank you very much!!!!!
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Same blog, New name!!!!
I thought I had to make a new blog to have the same name on the title as my author name (well the new name anyway lol). I found out just a moment ago that I could just change the name for this blog and of course, fix all the links. That is what I'm doing. Now, the original name is no more. I can leave that name in the past and move forward completely as A.R. Grosjean!
This was Amber Rigby Grosjean.................
This is A.R. Grosjean.....the author who writes at her own beat of the drum, chasing dreams of becoming the author who wrote the books sitting on your shelves.
This was Amber Rigby Grosjean.................
This is A.R. Grosjean.....the author who writes at her own beat of the drum, chasing dreams of becoming the author who wrote the books sitting on your shelves.
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Dead Life
I have officially begun the next book which will be released in 2020. I will spend the rest of this year working on this book, taking my time to get the story just right because it will be different from all the books I've written before. That means I have to pay attention to what I'm doing lol. I can do that, that's not a problem. I always pay attention lol. I've decided to create working covers and would like a vote from you, my loyal fans. Whoever you may be (I love you!).
The final work will be close to what these covers look like. Placement of the picture and font will be different. This is just an idea. I'm still struggling to choose the genre of this story because it doesn't fit into the ones I have written before. This is not a romance. Fantasy maybe but it's more than that so I'm working on that lol. I'll be handing it over to my beta readers so it will be determined later. Sometimes, writers need help. I'm by far, no where near perfect and I'm still learning which means you will benefit from it lol. Each book will be a little better than the one before it!
So that's it for now. Just wanted to give you a little heads up. Please comment your opinion below. Thank you!!!!
A.R. Grosjean
The final work will be close to what these covers look like. Placement of the picture and font will be different. This is just an idea. I'm still struggling to choose the genre of this story because it doesn't fit into the ones I have written before. This is not a romance. Fantasy maybe but it's more than that so I'm working on that lol. I'll be handing it over to my beta readers so it will be determined later. Sometimes, writers need help. I'm by far, no where near perfect and I'm still learning which means you will benefit from it lol. Each book will be a little better than the one before it!
So that's it for now. Just wanted to give you a little heads up. Please comment your opinion below. Thank you!!!!
A.R. Grosjean
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Next Book
I am happy to announce that I am ahead of schedule and my next book, Peterson Estate 4: The Great War, will be released in September 2019! I couldn't be more excited to see my series grow. And picking the cover was a battle. There were three choices that I liked but there was a scene in the book that inspired this cover so it ended up winning that battle.
I began working on the next book after this one--The Dead Life. The first few pages ran swiftly under my finger tips and is really making the story so much better than it was originally. I had finished it but wasn't happy with the story as a whole so I gave the story to someone for a look-over (this is something writers do lol) and was given a few great ideas to improve on the story. The version I'm going with was the one I liked the best. The idea just seemed to work better for this story and it seems to agree with me as the story is flowing from me. I'm loving it!!
I began working on the next book after this one--The Dead Life. The first few pages ran swiftly under my finger tips and is really making the story so much better than it was originally. I had finished it but wasn't happy with the story as a whole so I gave the story to someone for a look-over (this is something writers do lol) and was given a few great ideas to improve on the story. The version I'm going with was the one I liked the best. The idea just seemed to work better for this story and it seems to agree with me as the story is flowing from me. I'm loving it!!
Friday, July 12, 2019
The Life of an Author
I've always be creative, doing things differently even if it was just my way of doing it. And yes, I've been chewed out for it many times. But hey, if you have to copy everyone else, how are you supposed to learn who you are as an individual? Yeah, I don't know either lol.
I've been thinking outside the box before that became a catch phrase for Taco Bell (I believe that's the place who uses it lol). I was teased and bullied because I was different. And that same difference made those same kids like me in the end. When they grew up and saw the error of their ways, that is. And they all asked for forgiveness. It was long before that when I already forgave them so it was all good. At least they did ask, which made me feel better. Just the same, it will always be a part of me so the pain will never be forgotten. It shaped me into the person I am today so without it I don't think I would've become a writer or ever get published turning me into an author. So I do have them to thank for that.
I've always enjoyed crafts. I think growing up art class was my favorite. I wasn't the best in the class but I didn't have to be. I think that's what's so cool about art, even the worse pieces can be called "art" because it does force a reaction from the viewer (even if it is a bad reaction). It causes you to feel something and that's what's important. Of course, writing doesn't work the same way--you do have to be somewhat good at telling stories. I'm so glad that I do have that quality. I owe that to my imagination.
I like putting myself in the middle of some other place, even if it is make-believe. It doesn't matter if the place isn't real because inside my mind, it really is real. And that world is transferred onto paper which is awesome because now other people can visit my world and enjoy it's beauty from my own perspective. They can listen to the people in that world, experience their lives, and learn something new. The more I created, the more I fell in love with the idea of it. The more I loved it, the more I wrote. It is such a piece of who I am that I can't live without it! I am more than the writer but without writing, I am nothing. And after I'm gone, people can go on reading my words; living in the worlds that I created. How perfect is that? To be able to live on after you're gone? Other than art, how many professions are there that a person has that ability? Acting is a form of art, by the way lol. Teachers come and go, officers come and go. Their memories live on and those memories are cherished. But their ideas and thoughts vanish after a while. Artists, actors, and writers get to keep on moving people, angering them or making them laugh or cry. I get to be part of a world that get's to do that. It is so awesome!
When I write a story, I put myself in the shoes of the characters whose point of view I'm using. I see what they see, I feel what they feel. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh. It does get embarrassing when done in a public place but it's part of life. I deal with it lol. When someone asks, I just tell them I'm writing and I lost myself in the story. And that usually springs up a conversation, I'm more than happy to have. It's amazing how many people never met a real author before and there are millions of us walking down streets, eating in restaurants, being neighbors. We blend in with everyone unlike actors who are always in the spotlight. We live normal lives, pay our bills, and try to do right by everyone else. Then we get to escape into our own little worlds where we make the rules. I don't want any other profession.
Being creative is the fun part of writing. Those rules change for each story, sometimes even in the middle of the same story. Gravity? What's that? Superman defied it. Who said a human can't become a spider? Surely not the creator of Spiderman. They made their own rules. And I made my own as well. And when that story is done, saying goodbye is hard because you devote so much yourself writing the places and people that you don't want to leave them. But the sacrifice is worthwhile because now you have a book and that book can be passed down from one person to another, read over and over, felt by thousands if not millions of people. And that is such a good feeling that you almost have to do it over again. I love that feeling. The accomplishment is big.
Then you begin a new story and you become attached to new characters and dive in fully to their new world; and the process starts all over again. You say goodbye, and then hello to new friends and foes. The cycle keeps rotating. Before you know it, you have a handful of stories and more fans than you know what to do with. But you don't stop writing because now you can't breathe without it. The need to put words on paper becomes who you are. And you like it. No, you love it.
And that my friend, is the life of an author.
A.R. Grosjean
I've been thinking outside the box before that became a catch phrase for Taco Bell (I believe that's the place who uses it lol). I was teased and bullied because I was different. And that same difference made those same kids like me in the end. When they grew up and saw the error of their ways, that is. And they all asked for forgiveness. It was long before that when I already forgave them so it was all good. At least they did ask, which made me feel better. Just the same, it will always be a part of me so the pain will never be forgotten. It shaped me into the person I am today so without it I don't think I would've become a writer or ever get published turning me into an author. So I do have them to thank for that.
I've always enjoyed crafts. I think growing up art class was my favorite. I wasn't the best in the class but I didn't have to be. I think that's what's so cool about art, even the worse pieces can be called "art" because it does force a reaction from the viewer (even if it is a bad reaction). It causes you to feel something and that's what's important. Of course, writing doesn't work the same way--you do have to be somewhat good at telling stories. I'm so glad that I do have that quality. I owe that to my imagination.
I like putting myself in the middle of some other place, even if it is make-believe. It doesn't matter if the place isn't real because inside my mind, it really is real. And that world is transferred onto paper which is awesome because now other people can visit my world and enjoy it's beauty from my own perspective. They can listen to the people in that world, experience their lives, and learn something new. The more I created, the more I fell in love with the idea of it. The more I loved it, the more I wrote. It is such a piece of who I am that I can't live without it! I am more than the writer but without writing, I am nothing. And after I'm gone, people can go on reading my words; living in the worlds that I created. How perfect is that? To be able to live on after you're gone? Other than art, how many professions are there that a person has that ability? Acting is a form of art, by the way lol. Teachers come and go, officers come and go. Their memories live on and those memories are cherished. But their ideas and thoughts vanish after a while. Artists, actors, and writers get to keep on moving people, angering them or making them laugh or cry. I get to be part of a world that get's to do that. It is so awesome!
When I write a story, I put myself in the shoes of the characters whose point of view I'm using. I see what they see, I feel what they feel. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh. It does get embarrassing when done in a public place but it's part of life. I deal with it lol. When someone asks, I just tell them I'm writing and I lost myself in the story. And that usually springs up a conversation, I'm more than happy to have. It's amazing how many people never met a real author before and there are millions of us walking down streets, eating in restaurants, being neighbors. We blend in with everyone unlike actors who are always in the spotlight. We live normal lives, pay our bills, and try to do right by everyone else. Then we get to escape into our own little worlds where we make the rules. I don't want any other profession.
Being creative is the fun part of writing. Those rules change for each story, sometimes even in the middle of the same story. Gravity? What's that? Superman defied it. Who said a human can't become a spider? Surely not the creator of Spiderman. They made their own rules. And I made my own as well. And when that story is done, saying goodbye is hard because you devote so much yourself writing the places and people that you don't want to leave them. But the sacrifice is worthwhile because now you have a book and that book can be passed down from one person to another, read over and over, felt by thousands if not millions of people. And that is such a good feeling that you almost have to do it over again. I love that feeling. The accomplishment is big.
Then you begin a new story and you become attached to new characters and dive in fully to their new world; and the process starts all over again. You say goodbye, and then hello to new friends and foes. The cycle keeps rotating. Before you know it, you have a handful of stories and more fans than you know what to do with. But you don't stop writing because now you can't breathe without it. The need to put words on paper becomes who you are. And you like it. No, you love it.
And that my friend, is the life of an author.
A.R. Grosjean
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Mother of the Dragons Audio
When my day begins and I first sit down at the computer, I do a number of things. First, I check my emails and take it from there. Then I check my sales for my books. Then I check a few other sites to see how things are going. This can take from 5 minutes up to an hour or so, depending on what I see. Then I begin my day with my writing or whatever else needs to be done. Today, during this routine, I saw that my audio was finally available on Amazon. So I had to get the screen shot of it lol. And of course, I like that someone can get it for free just because I want to be read (or in this case, heard lol). If someone happens to pay for it, awesome that's a bonus because it means I can get paid. But at least now the door is open so others can see my work which is why I'm a writer. So this is cool news for me. I love it that I'm able to have another way for people to get my stories and learn to love my work as much as I do!
So if you haven't heard my book, come check it out!!!
A.R. Grosjean
#motherofthedragons #audio #amazon
So if you haven't heard my book, come check it out!!!
A.R. Grosjean
#motherofthedragons #audio #amazon
Monday, June 24, 2019
Busy, busy......
I have been keeping myself busy working on my book, Peterson Estate 4: The Great War. I'm reaching the end and hit the twist of all twists. I'm so excited. The level of Emily's powers is explained (the reasoning, which took me by surprise--even I didn't know lol). I've tried writing on a plan but it doesn't work for me. I like surprises and learning what's going to happen just as a reader would is so cool. That's what keeps me writing, the suspense of it. I know I'm not the only author who writes in this manner so it's cool. I reached a word count to 47K so I'm getting closer to my goal. Almost there!!!!
On another note, I'm still working on getting the audio ready for Mother of the Dragons. There was an issue with it so the person who is narrating it for ACX had to do a few touch ups. We both want it to be as perfect as it can go. I do know it will be just over 5 hours long. I listened to parts of it and it is so awesome!!!!! I couldn't be more excited about this process. I want to create more audios but will wait to see how this book does first. No, I will not be a one-hit wonder. I plan on reaching out to as many fans as I possibly can. One reader at a time, is all I can do. Of course, if someone shares my work with another reader, that's great!!! I just want to be read! I think all writers do, in one way or another.
On another note, I'm still working on getting the audio ready for Mother of the Dragons. There was an issue with it so the person who is narrating it for ACX had to do a few touch ups. We both want it to be as perfect as it can go. I do know it will be just over 5 hours long. I listened to parts of it and it is so awesome!!!!! I couldn't be more excited about this process. I want to create more audios but will wait to see how this book does first. No, I will not be a one-hit wonder. I plan on reaching out to as many fans as I possibly can. One reader at a time, is all I can do. Of course, if someone shares my work with another reader, that's great!!! I just want to be read! I think all writers do, in one way or another.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Gotta love mail!
It's always exciting to get something in the mail (unless it's a bill, then we'd rather not lol). I had ordered my books to start a new collection and needed the ones I'd written. They came in the mail yesterday and I could hardly wait to open the package. They looked so much better than I had anticipated.
Next time, I won't be waiting so long before ordering my books lol. Of course, I still want to get more copies but this will have to due me for now.
Next time, I won't be waiting so long before ordering my books lol. Of course, I still want to get more copies but this will have to due me for now.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Update for June 2019
The Bloodline duo Cursed Blood and Spawn of the Curse Bloodline Curse books are now available on Amazon which is awesome. When I couldn't republished Cursed Blood, I decided I would rewrite in a different manner. When I originally wrote, I was inside everyone's heads and it was a little confusing. I am a better writer now so I used that knowledge to write a better story. The two covers above are Cursed Blood: Bloodline Curse. The first book to the set. The cover on the left is for the e-book version and the one on the right is for the paperback version.
Right now, I am working on getting the 4th book to the Peterson Estate series finished. It is going rather well. Better, than I expected. If you read any of my books, you know I love twists. I can't have a book without one or two thrown in (in the proper places) and this one most definitely has them! I won't go too far into the story because some things may change in the editing so, no secrets yet!
I will have a new story coming your way soon! I have to make some changes to that one. Right now it's called The Dead Life. A writer friend threw some ideas my way to help improve that story and I liked one in particular so we'll see how the story transforms! Publication for this book is scheduled for some time next year in 2020! So keep your eyes out for that. All my books are located on my author page on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/argrosjean
Since I do have more time to devote to my books, I will work on them more and try to write them sooner than I had planned so some books may arrive early. Keep an eye on my author page and stay informed with my author page on facebook which is located at www.facebook.com/argrosjeanwriter
so you can stay updated all the time.
And don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to get an inside peak in my head and get more information about my writing and my books. Thank you!!!
*A.R. Grosjean
Monday, May 20, 2019
May's Updates........
The first subject to be discussed in this issue is this--One of these covers will be a book that will be coming out in around the year 2023. Of course, dates are not edged in stone so if I feel like it's ready before then, I'll be posting it in several different places. I actually like the blue cover because it does reveal more about the story than the one on the right. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on these two choices.
The second subject is a closer one to date. I am in the process of writing book 4 to the Peterson Estate series and here are my cover choices for that book. Please vote for the desired cover. There's a the castle. There's a street on fire. And the third choice is a combination of the two. Which do you like the best? I've finished chapter 1 last night, staying up all night to edit and write the chapter. I'm very happy with how it turned out and began working on chapter 2 this morning. I've reached 7K already. It didn't take long to reach that point.
My third and final subject, come on over to my facebook page, argrosjeanwriter and check out my video. I'm trying something new and would like your feedback. If it turns out being good, I'd like to begin doing this on a normal occasion and possibly adding it to YouTube. So that's it for this post. I can't wait to see you again.
Thank you!!!!
A.R. Grosjean
The second subject is a closer one to date. I am in the process of writing book 4 to the Peterson Estate series and here are my cover choices for that book. Please vote for the desired cover. There's a the castle. There's a street on fire. And the third choice is a combination of the two. Which do you like the best? I've finished chapter 1 last night, staying up all night to edit and write the chapter. I'm very happy with how it turned out and began working on chapter 2 this morning. I've reached 7K already. It didn't take long to reach that point.
My third and final subject, come on over to my facebook page, argrosjeanwriter and check out my video. I'm trying something new and would like your feedback. If it turns out being good, I'd like to begin doing this on a normal occasion and possibly adding it to YouTube. So that's it for this post. I can't wait to see you again.
Thank you!!!!
A.R. Grosjean
Monday, May 6, 2019
Things are coming along nicely
I am still working on the Spawn of the Curse's rewrite. Almost done. It's taking a little longer because I've been editing as I go. Before I close up shop, I run through fixing any errors. Once the book is finished, I read over it a couple more times looking for errors that I may find. No one is perfect so sometimes I may miss something. I just hope I don't which is why I take my time. I've read a couple books by Stephen King and found some errors. One or two but they are still there. It shows me he's human and makes me feel better knowing he's got all these editors and still makes mistakes. No one is perfect. I'm relieved knowing that.
So as I'm writing, I am turning the pages, waiting to see how the new story will turn out. I'm excited seeing how the story is much different than it was before. It's like its a whole new story and really it is. I'm loving it. Of course, I am a different person than I was when the story was first created. I only wrote the second book because so many people asked me to. This time around, it only makes sense to write the sequel. So I'm glad I'm getting the chance to rewrite it. Hopefully, people will like it better. I do. I love telling stories. It's in my blood, it's who I am. Without it, I wouldn't know who I was. I mean besides being a wife, mother, and grandmother....and friend. Without writing, my life wouldn't have as much meaning for those other things that I am. Without having the open-mind of a writer, I wouldn't see the world the way I do. I wouldn't be able to care the way I do, or love the way I do. It completes me. Makes me whole. I wouldn't want it any other way! I love being a writer and being able to tell the stories I do. I can't wait to really get things going and be able to share my mind with the world.
So it's 1 in the morning and I've got a lot of work to get done so I better get back to it. Spending the night with my characters, letting them have life. I've already put 1.5K words onto paper and looking to write another 8K before the night is over. See you in the next installment on this blog!!!
Thank you!
A.R. Grosjean
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Run down on books coming soon.......
This is 2019 and here are the books coming soon, in order by year.....
This year, one book has already been released--Peterson Estate book 3. Coming soon around June will be two more books. They are the Bloodline Curse duo titled Cursed Blood and Spawn of the Curse.

This is the first time the new cover (Spawn of the Curse) has been revealed. When you see this new cover, the new version will be available.
In 2020, Peterson Estate book 4: The Great War will be released. Also, look for the DeadLife.
In 2021, Peterson Estate book 5: Hell Bound will be released. Homesick will also makes it's debut.
In 2021 or 2022, the first book to the Identity set will be released (Stolen). This one is another one of my rewrites. It was originally erotica thriller. It will be cleaned up a bit and more scenes will be added creating a new story. Each book in this set will have the Identity theme: stolen, mistaken, etc.
In 2023, another two books will be released: Peterson Estate book 6 and Fairytales' Truth
More books to follow but not listed here yet. I do have a lot of books in the works but have decided that I needed to begin writing one at a time instead of so many at once. It wasn't working like I had hoped. Not all of my books are novel length so if one is too long, you can enjoy another. And because I write in so many genres, you can decide which ones you prefer. Or you could take a chance and read all of them. Your choice.
I'm always looking for new ideas and stories. I keep my eyes open and my ears close to the ground where I can hear anything coming from around the corner that would bring in an idea. I watch people, see how they respond to other people. I listen to their conversations although I really don't get in their business (I listen to how they talk, choices of words kind of thing). I don't know if other writers do that but it helps me grow and that's important.
So I will let you absorb this information. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter please send me an email at a.r.grosjean@hotmail.com and let me know. Include your name and email please. Thank you!!!!
This year, one book has already been released--Peterson Estate book 3. Coming soon around June will be two more books. They are the Bloodline Curse duo titled Cursed Blood and Spawn of the Curse.

This is the first time the new cover (Spawn of the Curse) has been revealed. When you see this new cover, the new version will be available.
In 2020, Peterson Estate book 4: The Great War will be released. Also, look for the DeadLife.
In 2021, Peterson Estate book 5: Hell Bound will be released. Homesick will also makes it's debut.
In 2021 or 2022, the first book to the Identity set will be released (Stolen). This one is another one of my rewrites. It was originally erotica thriller. It will be cleaned up a bit and more scenes will be added creating a new story. Each book in this set will have the Identity theme: stolen, mistaken, etc.
In 2023, another two books will be released: Peterson Estate book 6 and Fairytales' Truth
More books to follow but not listed here yet. I do have a lot of books in the works but have decided that I needed to begin writing one at a time instead of so many at once. It wasn't working like I had hoped. Not all of my books are novel length so if one is too long, you can enjoy another. And because I write in so many genres, you can decide which ones you prefer. Or you could take a chance and read all of them. Your choice.
I'm always looking for new ideas and stories. I keep my eyes open and my ears close to the ground where I can hear anything coming from around the corner that would bring in an idea. I watch people, see how they respond to other people. I listen to their conversations although I really don't get in their business (I listen to how they talk, choices of words kind of thing). I don't know if other writers do that but it helps me grow and that's important.
So I will let you absorb this information. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter please send me an email at a.r.grosjean@hotmail.com and let me know. Include your name and email please. Thank you!!!!
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
April is almost over......Spring is here!
I don't know about other places in the world but spring made her debut and I'm hoping it's here to stay. That is, until summer arrives lol.
As you know I am a young grandma, so going to the park is a must. I've been to the park 4 times already in the past 3 days. It helps when there's a park close by that's walking distance for a 2 year old. Her mommy came with her brother and everyone had fun, including Pawpaw which is what she calls her grandpa. I'm Mawmaw.
So tonight I will be staying up all night writing because I'm so far behind lol. I need to finish Spawn of the Curse: Bloodline Curse and get it uploaded so the cover can be finished. Then in June it can be released.
I do most of my editing through the writing and then do a read through to make sure it's perfect. I've learned that it works better for me but not all writers work the same. If I kept editing the same way, none of my books would get done because I kept making changes even though it was already perfect.
So that's my plans for tonight. I'll also be working on some of my marketing--the things I can't do on my phone. I love using my phone. I'm able to stay on top of things.
I've been learning a lot about marketing. Of course, there's still a lot to learn to catch up with many of the writers out there but I will get there. Then I'll be able to invest more than just my time which will be a blessing. Looking forward to that. Really, I am.
So that's enough for now. Got to get back to living the grand kids and living life to the fullest. Looking forward to getting that book done and the next one started--Peterson Estate 4: The Great War...........
#author #grosjean #writing #book #argrosjeanauthor #publishedauthor #marketing #argrosjean #romanceauthor #fantasyauthor #grandma #life #dragons #witches #writer
As you know I am a young grandma, so going to the park is a must. I've been to the park 4 times already in the past 3 days. It helps when there's a park close by that's walking distance for a 2 year old. Her mommy came with her brother and everyone had fun, including Pawpaw which is what she calls her grandpa. I'm Mawmaw.
So tonight I will be staying up all night writing because I'm so far behind lol. I need to finish Spawn of the Curse: Bloodline Curse and get it uploaded so the cover can be finished. Then in June it can be released.
I do most of my editing through the writing and then do a read through to make sure it's perfect. I've learned that it works better for me but not all writers work the same. If I kept editing the same way, none of my books would get done because I kept making changes even though it was already perfect.
So that's my plans for tonight. I'll also be working on some of my marketing--the things I can't do on my phone. I love using my phone. I'm able to stay on top of things.
I've been learning a lot about marketing. Of course, there's still a lot to learn to catch up with many of the writers out there but I will get there. Then I'll be able to invest more than just my time which will be a blessing. Looking forward to that. Really, I am.
So that's enough for now. Got to get back to living the grand kids and living life to the fullest. Looking forward to getting that book done and the next one started--Peterson Estate 4: The Great War...........
#author #grosjean #writing #book #argrosjeanauthor #publishedauthor #marketing #argrosjean #romanceauthor #fantasyauthor #grandma #life #dragons #witches #writer
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
April's Updates
All 3 of these books are available on Amazon now. It is official. If you read the first book, you'll have to keep going because the story doesn't end with the first book, it continues on with more twists, mysteries, adventures, and battles between good and evil. Just when you think, I couldn't possibly have more--there is. I'm that kind of writer lol. And I love it. You've got the main plot where Emily is trying to keep the gates out of the hands of the evil magical people (warlocks and witches) and then each chapter has its own smaller plot that ties into the main plot.
When I first started writing this series at the age of 12, there wasn't a main plot and each chapter could have held its own but I was able to learn from other writers who showed me a new path. It was also written in first person back then because it put me directly into the story. I learned I didn't need to write in first person to be inside the story so I changed it to second person and it seemed to work better. So now I need to finish up Spawn of the Curse, and then begin writing a new story. Can't wait to share it!!!!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
March 2019 Update
Over the years, I always had my head in the clouds and in so many ways, it still is. My mind is never-ending with ideas and inspiration so the background for my logo really works for me.
I've finished with my traveling. I just have to say my husband was the one who called it short. He really missed our grand children. Of course, I did too which is why I didn't argue with him about going back home so early. So for now, we are temporarily staying with our daughter just so we can see those grand babies a little more. This summer, we will be back on our own again and that's when I'll be writing full time. Right now, its a part time deal because we're just so busy with the babies. I am marketing as much as I can though. Can't slow down on that. I'm very excited about my career, its really starting to look promising now. I'm building a fan base and hope to earn more over the years. That's why I decided to upgrade my covers so I will be working on that as well.
The two books that will be coming out this year are Cursed Blood: Bloodline Curse and Peterson Estate 3: Hotel Peterson Estate. I will be update Spawn of the Curse as well. It will have a new cover when that's done.
I have more books on the list to write so next year, there will be more books to add to the published list. I will keep you updated on that as well. Please check out my website for the updated list of what to expect. I will keep that updated as more books are written. I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself but there are so many books waiting to be finished.
The main genre that I will be writing us Fantasy but I'm not limited to it so you will be seeing a wide variety of genres with my name on it. Thank you!!!
A.R. Grosjean
#argrosjeanauthor #argrosjeanbooks
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Travel While Writing....
I am back to living out of a hotel. And I'm okay with that because I am traveling. I'll be writing as my husband and I are visiting places and meeting new (and old) people. We have friends in every city we've been to so that's a great thing. We can visit with them and catch up. Before going to bed, I can work on my books, which ever one I want. The third book in my Peterson Estate series is almost ready to be published. I have another round of edits to push through and I need to get the cover done.
Here are two designs I've come up with so far for the third book. I haven't decided if I was going to use them yet. I'm looking for feedback on them. I kind of like the one on top between these two. Someone is always dieing in my story so the skulls make sense. As for the 5 elements, there is a scene in this book where it makes sense so that's something that relates to the story directly. I don't want to spoil it since no one's read it yet lol. It will be available sometime this year. Almost there!!!
I've updated my website and will be blogging more there so if you haven't checked it out yet, please do. I'm always eager to hear people's thoughts and ideas.
Thank you!!!
A. R. Grosjean
Here are two designs I've come up with so far for the third book. I haven't decided if I was going to use them yet. I'm looking for feedback on them. I kind of like the one on top between these two. Someone is always dieing in my story so the skulls make sense. As for the 5 elements, there is a scene in this book where it makes sense so that's something that relates to the story directly. I don't want to spoil it since no one's read it yet lol. It will be available sometime this year. Almost there!!!
I've updated my website and will be blogging more there so if you haven't checked it out yet, please do. I'm always eager to hear people's thoughts and ideas.
Thank you!!!
A. R. Grosjean
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
New Site/Blog
Hey everyone!! I have a new website and blog to share. Please come check it out and give me your feedback. While there, check out my books. If one calls out to you, you're more than welcome to follow the link and make a purchase. Its up to you. https://argrosjeanauthor.wixsite.com/home
I also have the WIX app. On the main page, the link will take you to the page where you can install the app as well and join me on there where I have two groups to interact with. On the app, there's live chatting as well as other things to check out. So give it a try. My blog is available off the site or from the app.
If you would like to receive my newsletter via email please let me know and I will add you to the list of subscribers as well. I always have fun with that and I hope you will too. I give you something to think about in every issue. Plus, give a little input on writing, my writing with updates, and something positive for your daily lives. I'm all about being positive which can be hard in today's world. So it can't hurt to share something good.
I hope to see you there!!!
A.R. Grosjean
I also have the WIX app. On the main page, the link will take you to the page where you can install the app as well and join me on there where I have two groups to interact with. On the app, there's live chatting as well as other things to check out. So give it a try. My blog is available off the site or from the app.
If you would like to receive my newsletter via email please let me know and I will add you to the list of subscribers as well. I always have fun with that and I hope you will too. I give you something to think about in every issue. Plus, give a little input on writing, my writing with updates, and something positive for your daily lives. I'm all about being positive which can be hard in today's world. So it can't hurt to share something good.
I hope to see you there!!!
A.R. Grosjean
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